𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑵𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉

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[A/N: Let me sincerely apologize for this short and didn't even made any sense chapter.]

Adira didn't hear what you said as she turned to you in confusion. After all, your appearance was never the same as you were before. "Hmm? Did you say anything to me?" She asked as you immediately flinched, wondered if you were wrong but you couldn't ask what was her name given that you already forgotten your sister name.

"Oh nothing... I thought I recognized you maybe I got the wrong person..." You trailed off before you continued doing your business and began to set up your place to cook some food for Paimon and Fischl. She stared at you for awhile and couldn't help but remind her about well... you.

"M'lady, one of the local here allowed us to accommodate to one of their home. We should head there." Kai advised as she looked at you one more time before turning to Kai.

"Kai, do me a favor and do a background check on him. The one that is cooking and wearing glasses over there... Something about him feel familiar." She ordered him as he nodded.

"I'll get it done and over with." He said before they went to the house that they were going to stay. Meanwhile, you were making some of your comfort food from your grandmother place which was her famous nasi lemak since you were craving for some and you weren't sure if it will taste the same or totally different.

"Woah, that's an overwhelming smell of herbs and spices... but it smell really good. Paimon's curious what are you making, Y/N." She appeared next to your shoulder as you were frying up the sambal while you made a batter for Fischl's favorite food which was bread. You thought why not make her some of those Japanese milk bread since it seems to be the type that she might like.

You created another pot for you to bake the bread as you saw Fischl with Oz headed towards you with the curious look in her eyes. "Oh, did my nose deceived me but I detect a smell of ambrosian the Mitternachtsbrot des Sommernachtgartens?" She asked as you hummed in response.

"It is indeed the... Mitternachtsbrot des Sommernachtgartens and with my own special twist. I hope the taste was to your liking, Princess." You said before you turned to Paimon who had no idea what food are you talking about. "Paimon, do you want the spicy dish or you want to try some fruit sandwich. I am not sure if this is an Inazuma dish or not but it taste good." You stated as she thought for awhile.

"Can Paimon has both? Both sounds and smell delicious." You just nodded before continued making some food for dinner.


After the dinner, you were happy that they enjoyed your food and you were extremely satisfied that Nasi Lemak taste the same the one your grandmother make. Fischl definitely enjoyed your bread to the point that she gave a whole essay of praises on your bread. Paimon was absolutely satisfied with the food you madea and it absolutely made her wish that you make the food from your world more often.

As their hunger satisfied, you let Fischl sleep at your tent along with Paimon. You decided to just sit under the stars and just stared while thinking about things that came to your head before you let out a sigh. You put on your playlist on shuffle as Howl's Moving Castle theme started to play. This brought you to imagine dancing with someone underneath in the moonlight and the sense of nostalgic from the song was overwhelming for you.

As you went to your imagination, you suddenly felt a malicious aura was behind you. You turned around, began to be on your defense mode but what caught you off-guard was to see the Fandango boy right in front of you. "Did I scare you?" He asked with a gentle voice that would manage to put someone off-guard.

"A little. I never thought there would be someone who is actually awake around this time of hour." You tried not to show that you knew him. He chuckled and gave you the friendliest yet fakest smile to you. You believed that he also should deserve winning an Oscar for his acting skills as well.

"I just want to take a breather. After all, it's a rare moment for me to get to take a walk around here. And also, that's nice sounding music there." He stated which made you looked at your phone, completely forgot that you were playing them.

"Ah... Thank you though the music does not belong to me anyway. I find it quite romantic to listen to this song while dancing or well, imagining dancing this song with someone under this starry sky." You looked at the sky before turning to him and reached your hand out. "I know we just met but want to have this dance with me?" You asked him as he was a little surprised.

He was cautious and not wanting to fall for any trap that you might try to pull on him. Though, he find it too strange how are you so quick to befriend with someone without even gave yourself a proper introduction. He knows almost everything about you that was given by the Fatui and you know him too well like the back of your hand.

But given that you seems to let your guard down, he took this chance to finish you off like how his mission told him to. "Well, I guess why not. I see no harm." He smiled as you realized that he was almost at your height but he was a little bit taller than you. Your hand intertwined with his as he was rather felt a little awkward putting  his hand on your waist but slowly adjusting to it.

The music played again once more before you guys danced underneath the moonlight while you two followed the beat. You weren't expecting him to know this kind of dance and to be this good but you took the liberty to start a chat with him since he hasn't initiated anything. "It's probably rude of me not to introduce myself, my name is Y/N and you are?" You asked him despite knowing his name and all.

"...Just call me Scara." He stated as your eyes met with his as you smiled. You were wondering which name he would use to refer himself as for now. You only was curious what will he do to you. However, he found you quite stupid for letting to be this close to you. He was readying himself to strike you at any moment.

"A pleasure to meet you Scara. I must say you are quite good at dancing," You complimented him as you could feel his hand that was on your shoulder slowly trailing to your neck.

"It's really nothing, been doing this a lot." He said before his hand could reach your neck you immediately began to switch over the position with you on top of him. You grasped his hand tightly and your hand began to meet his waist.

Since he can't pushed you away, he was holding onto you tightly since he could feel that his back was so close to the ground. He was in a shock to see your face was so close to him to the point he could feel your breath brushing against his lips. He was powerless, he couldn't even move away from you and something just made him slowly succumbed to your charms. He was staring deeply in your green eyes as he hold onto you so tightly before you pulled him up.

He could feel slight heat on his cheeks when he saw the smirk on your face before you pulled him up. "Were you expecting something?" You asked as he immediately free himself from your grasp as he crossed his arms.

"I didn't expect anything, it's just your imagination." He accidentally revealed his true behavior before you raised your eyebrows. He immediately realized but it was too late for him to say anything.

"Mhm... Yeah sure. Nice acting, by the way. Anyways, I guess I'll see you later, Scara." You said as you took your phone that was on the phone before you decided to teleport to the Starfell Lake to go for a fishing to pass your time. Scara watched you leave before he clicked his tongue.

"What the hell was wrong with me? I could have just send a lightning to him for him to die." He mumbled but the thoughts of you living rent free in his mind.


Author Note:

Short chapter cause I can't write really long with my arm being in pain. I hope you enjoy this chapter though and have a great day :)

If I don't get Kazuha, I'mma save for Tohma or Scara instead.

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