𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝑳𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑲𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝑰𝒕 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌?

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Chapter I, Act IV; Prelude, Part V

You finished fighting all the monsters off, easily as you tested out on using a polearm that you've recently obtained. You let out a sigh, putting the weapon away as it appears at your back. "So in the end, we still couldn't find that Abyss Herald. Bummer." Paimon stated, sounding so disappointed as Aether agreed with her statement.

You didn't comment on anything but your mind was distracted whether you should warn Lumine that she will meet her brother soon. Their conversation had become white noises for you as you were deep in your thoughts. You had a connection with these two on your previous reincarnation but something is going off that tells you dangers are looming which worry you so much.

Was Osial alright? The Abyss did want him for the as Paimon would call him "Cybernetic Squid God." Capturing him right now would make their plans advanced. Did Orochi do something that you were unaware of?

"Y/N?" You heard Paimon call out your name which brought you back to reality.

"Oh, sorry what? I guess I got lost into thinking once again..." You rubbed your neck as Paimon frowned at you.

"We were talking about where we would live after our journey ended. If it were you, where will you stay?" She asked but you already had an answer for that.

"Inazuma because there are cherry blossoms and maple trees there that look neat. If we were to talk about the view, it would be Watatsumi Island with the ocean aesthetic. Also, the food looks nice." You said with no hesitation but really, you already had a house there that was gifted to Scaramouche for some odd reason. You still don't remember what you did to make him give all those stuff.

Was it because you carried him back to Northland Bank? Was that it?

Well, whatever, who cares, it's free.

"Huh? But we've never been to Inazuma yet..." Paimon remarked as you looked at her, realizing that you shouldn't have stated that but you managed to think of a safe answer for them not to be suspicious of you.

"There this thing called picture book. I told you from the first we met, I've been studying this place for like... Years, did I not?" Your statement only intrigued Dainsleif, wondering why did you word it that way.

"Oh... good point. Paimon forgot about that." She stated as you let a small sigh of relief. "Eh, either way, we should settle down in a place where there's good food!" Paimon stated as Aether looked at her with a smile.

"Getting a bit ahead of ourselves, I think..." Aether trailed off, probably thinking of having a life here. As Dainsleif said something, your mind had driven away for a moment. Living in Teyvat, sure it is better than the world you lived in before then but thinking back, you gonna miss the atmosphere of your hometown and the place you lived.

Also, the fact that your sister is not here. You are going to miss her existence in your life. You looked at the sky, wondering when will your sister came to visit you or give you a call. Or do you do the initiative but it's so awkward to call her these days.

Maybe when you had the time to. The time where you could settle down and talk about everything... That would indeed sound nice. You felt a violent shook from your shoulder before you turned to Aether as he looked upon the cliff frantically.

"...I sense something familiar. On that cliff." You looked at the cliff as Paimon asked him what does he meant by familiar but to that, he answered, "I felt it for a moment the previous time we came here, too..." He stated.

Dainsleif was interested in what he meant familiar feeling. "A familiar feeling, you say? It could be someone you know well, or perhaps a monster." He assumed before Aether looked down on the ground, thinking for a moment.

"Could it be... the Abyss?" He wondered as you just crossed your arms, still looking upon the cliff.

"I don't know. It could be your sister passing through, couldn't it?" You threw that comment, knowing that she always watching him from afar.

"Whichever it is, we should see it for ourselves, and thus see clearly. We can reach the top of that cliff from over there. Let's go." Dainsleif stated before he ran quite fast than you expect him to. Paimon commented something about Dainsleif but you wondered if the fact that you knew Lumine before, will Aether be mad at you for not telling you?

You could only hope that you could keep it in the dark for a bit longer.


The moment you arrived at the scene, there you saw the footsteps of a Ruin Guard and a trampled Dandelion. As you watched Aether examine the dandelion, you heard a voice call for you. "Yves, come back to me." Sounded so familiar and eerie at the same time.

You stayed silent before you heard Orochi's voice. "Ignore that voice. She's someone you shouldn't go back to." He stated, somewhat you didn't hear much of ever since that incident. Somewhat reassuring though that you are not alone all the time.

"Who was that anyway?" You asked him, of course, you only thought it so no one would see you crazy for talking to yourself.

"No one important. It's fine, just ignore it." He said as you just hummed before returning to Aether who seems shaken.


The lady tapped her fingers on the floor while leaning her head on her hand, looking annoyed. "That boy has become quite a rebel for ignoring me just like his brother. Guess I didn't punish him enough for him to save me." She stated before turning to the prison cells, looking at the outside.

"He's the only one who could get me out instead of that stupid daughter of mine."


Author Note:

Hello everyone, just a small announcement to make, if you didn't know I made a discord server so that you could interact with me whenever! Click the link that is supposed to be below this paragraph to join, or just copy and paste it to join! That's all and I hope you have a great day!


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