𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆

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Paimon explained to her regarding about the meteorites events how it affected people as Mona began to come into clarity. "And all of this was caused by the meteor shower... This I was not expecting." She stated.

"The darkness consumes every corner of the land... And in fading twilight, only the prinzessin and her retinue still stand..." Fischl said as she let out a sigh.

"Ms. Mona, your means are most crucial to our ends." Oz stated as Mona looked at them in confusion.

"Huh? Are you all together then?" She asked as you nodded.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Y/N and this floating child next to me is Paimon. It's my greatest pleasure to be able meet such incredible astrologist like you." You introduced yourself and Paimon. Before Mona could say any words to you, Fischl interrupted her by introducing herself.

"I am Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung, and I hereby extend to you the great honor of joining my retinue." Mona was in absolute confusion.

"'Prinzessin der Verurteilung' I'm sorry but which nation are you a princess of?" She asked and the fact that she actually pronounce Fischl title more accurate than Fischl could despite hearing it the first just amazed you.

"I hail from a distant and long-lost land known as the Immernachtreich..."  Fischl stated as Mona gave her the 'are-you-serious?' look to her.

"The in-my-what reich?" Fischl sighed in disappointment once more as she crossed her arms.

"Alas, precious few mere mortals know of the Immernachtreich." This statement of hers managed to tick Mona off.

You find this quite amusing given that the fact that you were the real deal prince from Khaenri'ah watching this. Oz tried to convince Mona not to reveal anything about Fischl as your phone suddenly rings which was abnormal. They stopped arguing before they turned to you. You who totally forgot that you weren't supposed to get any phone calls while being in Teyvat, treated it as normal thing.

You checked the phone caller ID to see it was from your grandmother. "Ahh... Excuse me." You said before went somewhere more quieter and private to pick up the call. "Hello, Nek*.(*Nek is a short form for Y/N to call granny.)"

"Oh it actually went through... Hello, Y/N! How's your life back in your world?" She asked, the voice that you haven't heard ever since two months separated from her.

"I'm doing great, Nek- Wait hold on a sec, you know I was from another world? And you didn't even tell me about this?" You asked as she chuckled.

"You think having a baby who can talk when a month old with a demon in his body is something normal? And wouldn't I sound like a crazy old woman if I told you about it?" Well what she said is true anyway. "Ah- that reminds me what's the reason I decided to try to reach you, how's the demon treating ya? Did he do anything?" She asked you in worried tone.

"Not really? Sometimes he would say something once in awhile. Most of it is just him saying, E, Lame, L, things that made me upset but other than that, he didn't do anything else. Why you ask?" You asked as she let out a sigh in relief.

"That's good... Guessing that the submission potion I made him ate when you were a child actually work." You were surprised to hear the words potion coming from her given that back in that world, you pretty sure there wasn't magic. "I know you be surprised to hear about potions but I always made them or else how do you think I can live for a long time. Our world's magic abilities are incredibly too rare to find and for some to harness it's energy would be someone who's dropped out school and have too high level of imagination."

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