𝑭𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒊𝒚𝒖𝒆 𝒂𝒕 𝒍𝒂𝒔𝒕

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You took a deep breath, trying to somewhat calm yourself despite with the fact that Aether literally initiated the kiss two times and it's driving you crazy. You entered the room and there you saw, the whole gang that seems to be in a war while Paimon being tied up in the middle of the room.

Her eyes lit up when she saw you and immediately screamed, "Y/NNNNNNN! SAVE PAIMON, PLEASE! THEY TOOK PAIMON'S KNIFE!" You just stayed silent and tried to process what in the fucking mess you got yourself in.

"Why did I decided bring you guys along with me again...?" You let out a sigh before you helped and freed Paimon. Paimon immediately hugged you like a child as you turned to them. "Give her knife back and explain to me what the fuck is going on here." They immediately get the instinct to kneel down to you before Astra handed you the knife.

"We were fighting but we forgotten why we were fighting." Osial explained and you just let out a sigh. Of course you do... You took the knife and gave it back to Paimon but Paimon still holding on to you and at this point, you feel like Paimon's going to be your child soon.

"Whatever... And why are you guys on your knees. I didn't ask you to kneel down, did I?" You asked before they stood up. "Also, what do you guys want to eat? I'll cook it for you since it's been quite a long time I've made you something." Paimon immediately released you when you mentioned food.

"Ooh! Paimon want some Bamboo Shoot Soup!" She said in excitement before she took the knife from your hand and kept it to herself. Now this does this made you wonder where is Aether. Speak of the devil, he appeared right behind you with... slimes all around him.

"Oh Y/N, are you making breakfast?" He said casually before you looked at him in worry.

"Did you get eaten by a slime or something? What's with the slime condensate all over you?" You asked as you wiped that was on his face.

"Something like that... Someone was in danger on my way back here so I decided to save them." You now wondered what road did he took to encounter someone but then again, you used Teleport Waypoint to get to the inn quicker so he really did just went a long way in.

"Good work, do you want anything for breakfast? I'm cooking?" You asked him as he thought for a while before just shrugged.

"I'll just whatever Paimon or you having. I'm going to take a shower so Paimon please don't suddenly appeared in front of me." He warned before Paimon just smirked.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She said and the others told you the usual what they wanted, Osial wanted Crab Roe Tofu, Astra wanted just normal Steak, Corazon as always had the weirdest combination asking for a suspicious Tea-Break Pancake and meanwhile, you have a feeling that Orochi is digging the corner of your mind trying to find something. You just made your way to the kitchen and began to cook them some food.


After you guys enjoyed a nice meal with a conversation about the weather and where the hell did you go, you guys happened to overheard Verr Goldet murmured on how to decorate the Lantern Rite when you are on your way to go to Liyue. "Lantern Rite?" Aether asked before Verr Goldet's eyes lit up.

"Oh! Don't you know? On the first full moon of the first month each year, Liyue celebrates the Lantern RIte. It's a festival to commemorate the heroes from the past. After dark, the people release Xiao and Mingxiao Lanterns into the night sky." She explained before looking at the sky as she let out a sigh. ""May the flames of wisdom spread to all, and never be extinguished." This is the meaning of the lanterns. We believe they act as the beacons in the night, guiding bygone heroes back to their homeland." She said before Osial looked impressed.

"Wow, I never thought it would symbolized as powerful as that." He murmured while Paimon looked quite fascinated.

"Wow... It sounds like a grand festival. And where there's a grand festival, there's always special seasonal snacks! Y/N, you catch Paimon's drift?" You nodded and was not surprised that all she would think about is food.

"You want get involved in the Lantern Rite? That's great! The festive period leading up to the day itself is all part of the celebrations." She sounded so excited and it can't help make you feel excited. She chuckled before smiling. During this time, we pray to bring peace and ward off bad luck. Liyue locals call it "bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new." If you're looking to take part, it's not too late. Oh, um... also..." She began to trail and you guessed that she wanted to ask you to invite Xiao in it.

"Let me guess, you want to convince Xiao to go with us?" You asked and she nodded.

"We're not close, I wouldn't know how to ask him myself. But it seems that you've grown familiar..." You rubbed your neck. You did promised to your sister that you'll take care of Xiao to make sure he enjoyed the moment.

"Well... He didn't like crowded places but then again his mood, I think it's best leave him alone for a few days." You suggested before she sighed once more.

"I suppose you're right... Anyway! Just thought I'd mention it. You should get yourselves down to the harbor. If you leave too late, the city will be crowded with people and you won't be able to make the most of it. Get going! Happy Lantern Rite!" She said as she waved goodbye to you guys.

You guys also bid goodbye and make your way to Liyue Harbor as your mind wandered off about the dream or rather, learning your sister is Guizhong... Though, you are confused about your family. Your brother seems to be genuine with his feelings towards you and Orochi has been unmistakably silence. It was a little weird to not have him saying something in your head at random time.

Everything started to feel uneasy... Why do you have a feeling that Lantern Rite might not ended as well as it should.


Meanwhile, in a different place. A very dark place that only could be seen Orochi who stood frowning while he looking through your memory. He finally broken through your darkest memory that was sealed away and he looked at it in amusement.

"So before he become the power of friendship shonen protagonist, he had this side of him? This is like a total different person but similar to his mother. So that Azzariella brat tried to make this memory of his disappeared." Orochi said before he closed up the memory.

"They succeeded in brainwashing him, alright but this ain't going to last long." He walked away while he chuckled to himself. "Little by little, he's going to break and once he broken, I'll make sure that he reigned Teyvat. Not even that Sustainer of Heavenly Principle would be able to put him to stop. It will be fun to see how the war for the throne ended." He said before humming an eerie song while he left the dark corner, deliberately let 'the door' open.


"Y/N...?" At the entrance, you suddenly feel an ache in your heart as a word began to ring inside your head. It was overwhelming and the simple word have made you gasping for literally air, trembling in fear. You definitely don't know why it happened so suddenly but it hurts.

Aether and Osial immediately rushed to your side while you hold onto them tight. "Hey, hey. What happened?" Aether asked, sounded so gentle as ever before you feel tears streaming down your eyes as you tried to concentrate on your breathing but you can't... It's too loud for you.

You could barely hear any voices around you but yet you could hear a very familiar voices that been just saying things all over again. You know who behind all this to make your head hurt like this. "That... demon." You hissed and all you could feel is overwhelming anger. You need to have a word with him.


Author Note:

I for one never expected to reach 490K+ reads in this book and have 500+ followers in just 3 months. I sincerely thank you guys for the support. I wish I could flex to my parents but knowing what I write, I-I don't think I should. Anyways, I'll be uploading a special chapter and for more info on that you could check on my announcement. Anyways that's all and I hope you lovely people have a good day :D!

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