𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑻𝒂𝒍𝒌-𝒏𝒐-𝑱𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒅 :D

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As you followed Ganyu to go somewhere to Qingce Village, you wondered why do you hear some random voices when the name Yves was there? As far as you knew, only Gods could listen to other people's prayers as long as they said their name. Made you wondered if Yves were your real name instead of Y/N. Did you really had existed here in the past or did you just happened to transport your soul into another person's body?

You sighed, feeling a bit exhausted especially how suddenly the voice who sounds so similar to Lumine talked to you. "Y/N, are you okay? I'm not troubling you to do all these works with me, right?" Ganyu asked which instantly made you snapped out of your thought and immediately shook your head.

"No, no. It's not that. I don't see this troubling it's just that umm..." You thought for a moment to find a reasonable reason for you to space out so often but she seems to be waiting for you to answer that was until the first reason you drifted to your thoughts because of the topics that they were talking about. "... I, umm, found the topic you were talking about was bored. I hope you don't find it offensive." You admitted nervously before Ganyu looked at you in surprise before letting out a giggle.

"I won't even find it offending in one bit, I would be even more surprised if this stuff would be appeal to you. How about this because you are being dragged in this... I'll try and make some time for me to help you out whenever you need it." She offered as you looked at her with your eyes lit.

"Really, you would?" You asked her as she nodded with a smile.

"I would and that is a promise I'm willing to make." She said and strangely her words gave you a bit of comfort. Would it be selfish that you really just want to hang out with other people? You are physically unable to face Aether, knowing what fates had brought to him and with the whole thing that happened just now.

"Thank you, Ganyu." Your voice softens as you two make your way to Qingce Village to find an invoice regarding some purchase that Dongshaeng made.


"Ah, welcome, welcome. How can an old carpenter like me help you? I'm usually happy to take new apprentices, but I'm afraid I can't take too many at once. But I'm always around if you're keen for a chat..." He said which made you wondered if he was lonely.

"Master Lu, we've just come to see you and ask you some questions." Ganyu directly stated her business with him as he chuckled to himself.

"Ah, don't worry, I know — you're from the Yuehai Pavilion, right? Why would the Qixing care about an old man like me? Well, whatever. You said that you want to ask me something — ask away, then." She began to ask about any invoice or other records to proof of the transaction that happen from Second Life. "Of course you can. But... I'm not so sprightly anymore. I only do my woodwork and display finished wares here at Fanmu Carpenter's. As for old documents and such, I keep them all in a warehouse, west of here. But some troublemakers have recently moved there, invading my warehouse. I tried to drive them away, but they just wouldn't leave. Since you need that invoice anyway... it may be best to get it from the warehouse yourself. And while you're at it, you can teach those louts a lesson." He explained as you recalled it was a bunch of hilichurls.

"So that's what happened. I see. Well, we take care of it." Ganyu said before you two make your way to the warehouse, though, you were not sure where's the warehouse exactly. As you two looked around, Ganyu suddenly stopped her tracks and turned in the direction that she was looking at. "Wait. I think I saw one of those troublemakers... Ah, over there!" She pointed at the Cryogunner Skirmisher.

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