𝑨𝒍𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕

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You opened your eyes and saw Aether and Paimon were in front of your face. You immediately sat up and you began to get a headache. "It was a dream...?" You muttered.

"What was?" Paimon asked as her head tilted in confusion.

"Being in a food paradise." You lied as you sighed. "I know it was too good to be true." You immediately checked on your phone for the time which 18:00 means the time to meet up with Zhongli at the restaurant.

"It's time to meet him at the restaurant. Let's go." Aether said as you nodded and headed towards it. You scrolled through your phone to confirm that just happened and you saw that there's no more of rainbow hourglass instead it's rainbow butterfly.

The one you saw in your dreams. Meaning it did happened. You need to find your family members, reunited them all... You remember she said that you were an immortal being that lives on forever and eternally. That has to go with your family as well.

You are literally at level 30 with bunch of level 5 weapons whether it's 3 stars or 2 stars... It's time to stay loyal to one sword until you could actually be stronger.

Also you found out that you have no need to much of artifact because it had no use for you but youcould sell it for handsome price of Mora. You arrived and saw Zhongli already waited for you guys.

 You arrived and saw Zhongli already waited for you guys

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"Ah, you're here. There's no need to order, I've already done so." He said as you took a sit across him as Aether sat next to you. "'Third-Round Knockout' is not for lightweights, like those taverns in Mondstadt. Here, the owner does not take such unorthodox orders as fruit juice." Zhongli said as Aether began to look quite excited.

You only wondered how many shots would it take to make Kaeya drunk as hell, given that he get drunk easily just by three shots of 'Death After Noon.' It was quite funny to him being so drunk and doing a very out of chracter before he clinged to you.

"If it's to your liking, dear customers, I shall continue the tale of Lady Ningguang's Jade Chamber." You saw a story teller stood at the front as you saw the food and the drink have arrived.

You have never drunk an alcohol before considering you are underage. Well, here goes nothing... You took a sip of the wine and it wasn't bitter, it was quite sweet actually. There some sort of airy breeze in the wine mixed with something but whatever it is, it's pleasant.

You listened to the story while drinking the wine as you noticed a familiar figure appeared on the roof watching you guys. You locked eye contacts with her before you noticed that the story ended.

"At last, I have found you, you who returned from Jueyun Karst." She said as Paimon looked around for the source of voice before she looked at the direction of where you looked.

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