𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒀𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂

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Upon arriving at the Wanmen Bookhouse, there you saw Starsnatcher and Jifang with the book, having a small conversation. You watched him leave after paying for the book as you heard Paimon commented behind you. "Hey, isn't that, um... Starsnapper? What a coincidence, running into him again!" Paimon exclaimed.

"It's Starsnatcher..." You corrected her.

"Coincidence, or Adeptincidence?" Paimon furrowed her eyebrows when she heard him saying that.

"Aether, you have weird sense of humor." Paimon commented as Aether just frowned at her. "Anyways, did you hear that he name of that book he just bought? Was it... "Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti"? It was definitely a book about the adepti. Why would an adeptus wanna buy a book about himself?" She asked.

"Maybe he's a narcissist." Cora remarked while holding Astra's hand so he didn't wander off to who knows what might attract his attention.

"Could be! Hmm, but now that Paimon thinks about it, there's something that's just not right about this guy." Paimon said.

"His mask is ugly." Astra commented before he was about to chase something but Cora stopped him by tugging his hand and Osial also helped him ran away and Cora being dragged away.

"Astra, please." Cora literally looked like a tired babysitter who seems to be underpaid to take care of a hilichurl that easily distracted. You, however went around the bookstore, leaving them have a conversation with each other as you went through the book despite not knowing what it's written.

"You should buy that purple book."  You heard Orochi's voice in your head as you hold the purple book. You looked at it before you opened it and not a single letter that you understood in here. "I'll read it for you... It's an important book for you." He said as you looked confused to yourself.

"What is this book for?" You whispered to yourself but he didn't respond before you letting out a sigh. You were about to pay the book before Paimon added the Yaksha book into your cart as you paid it off. As Paimon and others read the book about the Yaksha and how it ended, you took out Paimon's letter guide for you to read the title of the book.

Our Love is Sweet 

You looked at the title in baffled. A romance novel and why would this be important to you... It couldn't be that he mean that... "No no no, stop, stop. Not that romance bullshit. I'll read it for you and you make a verdict about what it is."  He said as you just stayed silence and just shrugged it off. Whether if he really just want to read that book or it's actually related to you, you'll play along.

"Y/N! What are your opinion about the Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti?" You suddenly heard Paimon asking you question as you turned to her. It did surprised you but you didn't pay attention to the story though you do remember a bit about it.

"My opinion... Lemme think." You paused as you tried to recall while Paimon looked like as if you will say something interesting. "The story kinda reminded me of Xiao. I mean Xiao is the Vigilant Yaksha, the Conquerors of Demon." Paimon's eyes widen before she nodded.

"That is true! He does have Yaksha in his title. So, back to the matter at hand. The things we need answers on are one, where did those super evil-looking hilichurls came from, and two, what does Starsnatcher have to do with the yakshas. Right? Now to head back to where this all started and commence our investigation! Let's part the fog of mystery that hangs over Jueyen Karst, and let the truth shine through in its full glory!" Paimon said excitedly as you smiled.

"You sure love playing as a detective." You said softly before Paimon immediately scratched her hair and chuckled.

"To be honest, Paimon actually hopes he is a real adeptus. Ah... His exorcism techniques seemed real enough, at least... Hmm, but if we get our hopes up, there's further for them to come down. So it makes sense to investigate thoroughly first, just to be sure! Alright, let's head back to Wangshu Inn!" Paimon said as you just sighed and went back to the inn.

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