𝑵𝒐 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒃𝒉

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Here you are sitting on Guizhong's seat and drinking a cup of herbal tea made by Cloud Retainer with you awkwardly holding on to the cup before she looked at you, waiting for you to speak. "...How do you even know?" You asked that question first because that was odd for her to be able to suddenly know while sniffing on the herbal tea, wasn't expecting the mild scent of the herb in the tea before you took a sip.

"Guizhong was known for her floral scent sticking on her despite picking on flower and no scent could overpower it. One had watched you climbing this mountain while picking those Qingxin flowers and one also noticed that you had taken a few Cor Lapis here and there but I scent no dust or dirt on you. Others can't have such scent other than Guizhong and you." You looked at her in confusion before sniffing yourself and you do smell Qingxin on you.

"Oh, what the fuck... I do smell like flowers." Now you wondered if you should tell her that Guizhong reincarnated in the other world. You weren't sure if you were going to regret it but you should lie just to be safe. She patiently waits for you to answer her question as you let out a sigh. "This Guizhong is the God of Dust, am I right?" You asked as she nodded in response. "I have no relation with her, given that from the stories that had been told, she died during the Archon War." You stated, weren't sure if the thing you are doing right now is right because you have too much on your plate right now.

Cloud Retainer stared at you for a moment before taking a closer look at you before going around you, making you extremely uncomfortable. "Hmm..." That is what you heard coming from that beak of hers before she used her wings to touch your cheeks and hair. "...Could you be one of her incarnations? You do hold few traits of hers." She wondered as you looked at her in shock.

"What...?" You uttered and that is not what you want her to conclude with your weird sibling relationship of being blood-related but at the same time not if you include your history here.

"Well, one couldn't help but found your voice as melodious as hers, with your scent similar to her, elegant as her, and also as wise as her." You just sat there with the cup that was in your is now placed on the table. You felt like that description doesn't fit you at all maybe except your scent.

"...Cloud Retainer, I believe you are overestimating me too much. I can't possibly be as elegant and wise as her." You laughed nervously, not used to being praised this much especially putting the word wise and you in the same sentences because you know how stupid you are. The crane stared at you before she sighed.

"...One might have been too desperate to make Rex Lapis the happiness he deserved. One remembered the peaceful days and back then, Rex Lapis was more open with his feelings and not as cautious as he is now. One thought that maybe if you were a reincarnation or at least an incarnation of her, he could continue ruled Liyue directly under him once more and possibly evade erosion at the very least." She expressed her thoughts to you as you stayed silent and looked at her in surprise.

This was not in the game at all... This was new and not something you would expect at all. "I see..." You could only utter those two words out of your mouth, remembering that you made a promise with your sister to take care of Zhongli and Xiao. You also remember the burden you had to bear in this mysterious past of yours as well. Finding the Villarreal used to be one of your missions before you got this mixed feeling after your grandmother brought him up.

Still having Sukuna's voice because it's not like you know how he sounds like in the past. Cloud Retainer glanced at you who were suddenly fidgety before she pats your head with her wing. "One apologized if one had made you felt like it was your responsibility, especially you had come here to clear the thoughts." She said gently as you just looked at the ground.

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