𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕 0-100 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒄𝒌

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[A/N: Get yourself fucking ready cause I have no idea what I've been writing and I've also been screaming... NSFW up ahead. I actually regret writing this so much...]

"So it lead us to here... I guess the thief went into the ruins. This has to be the Abyss Order work." You crossed your arm as Lisa looked at you in impressed.

"It's like you can read my mind. They do seem to have a way of slipping in and out of places like ghosts, after all. Also... There is an elemental seal at the entrance. It looks like the result of an Abyss Mage's magic." Lisa concluded as you observed the seal.

"How do we break the seal though?" You asked as she took out her catalyst with a devious smile on her face.

"Not to worry. If you think a little magic can keep me out, think again!" She casted a lightning to break the seal and opened the entrance to the ruins.

You looked at it in fear as you tried to imagine how bad the punishment would be. "Come on." She said as she entered the ruin as you followed her in.

It is quite big inside and of course there were no maps for you to navigate around the places. You sighed as you saw there were a huge place that you needed to glide through.

"Woah..." You looked at it in awe before you noticed Lisa already glided away. You were surprised before you also followed her as well.

You noticed a rod sticking on the wall before Lisa zapped the rod which opened a door. You entered the room and to see there's spikes await to your fall as Lisa did something that made a bridge to go across it.

"Oh... What are these rod thingy anyway?" You asked as you continued following her from behind.

"It's called Electro-Sensor Anchor. Basically it act as a conductor to bring power to certain mechanism. Like that door and bridge earlier." She explained.

So like electric wires but make it wireless? You thought as you came across a room full of Hydro slimes. You were about to attack before she called out a lightning that obliterated them all and activate the mechanism.

It began to release a wind current for you guys to glide up and saw another door for you to go through. It lead you to another room that was filled by hydro slimes again with seals around the two mechanism.

Once again, you did nothing since she just called lightning that killed every single one of them as the mechanism on the front seal started to open.

You activated the mechanism which appeared some Cryo slimes before Lisa put on some sort of lantern above which send out some electric shocking the slimes before you backing away.

I do not want to stand on that field but you go, queen. You internally cheered in your heart before and Abyss Mage started to appear behind Lisa which made you immediately rushed towards Lisa and took out your sword and embedded it with Pyro which landed on them before they teleported away.

This is not helping the situation since it's literally and electrified water combined with your Cryo power freezing it so that you didn't get wet. Honestly, it felt like that one aggressive massager just massage your foot really hard except you never went to a massage before.

It was literally hard for you to stand still if you have to be honest. Lisa looked at you impressed.

"It really is Abyss Mage..." You said as soon as you saw the icy air in front of you, you tried to think the best way to attack it without it trying to aim for Lisa before you immediately got an idea.

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