𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒂 𝒄𝒐𝒃𝒘𝒆𝒃

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You drank another whole bottle of some of Liyue's strongest wine while you just stared at the three boys who were avoiding your eye contact. This was rather an awkward position to be in if you had to be honest but then, you have Paimon just floats next to you, eating the food you ordered from Smiley Yanxiao and for some reason, Corazon and Astra are being extremely clinging to you the moment you arrived. Corazon has been sitting on your laps while hugging you like a baby while Astra just hugging from your back and rest his head on your shoulder while you feed him some of his portions of meat.

"So... What did you do to these two?" You asked, tapping your index finger on the table almost as if you were running out of patience as they just stayed silent. For them to be this clingy and don't even dare to separate from you, also them do not want to talk about it to you made you worried sick.

"...We didn't do anything... They happened to overheard about us discussing the thing that happened to you in the morning. Forgive us, Young Master for scaring them." Osial sounding quite guilty made you remembered that you apparently did something that fears them.

"Oh yeah, what did I exactly do?" You asked but this causes everyone to tense up even Paimon included. You were having a bad feeling about it since you dreamt of yourselves in royalty clothes. They refused to speak about it and you really needed to know what you did because this might be important.

There was only awkward silence filled in the air before you sighed and made you worried more than you should be right now. "Is it that bad? Did I try to kill someone or something...? Should I just stayed alone?" You asked because you don't want them to get hurt because of you before Aether immediately shook your head while the two boys were hugging on to you even more tightly.

"T-That must not happen... I can never let you go, not right now." Aether was stuttering, trembling out of fear which made you looked at them in concern. This is throwing you off and you weren't sure how to react.

"Then, if you weren't going to tell me, what did I do this morning while I was asleep, how... am I supposed to know that I am not endangering you?" You asked, starting to get really anxious all of the sudden. You had this uneasy feeling and you could almost hear someone screaming at the back of your head, telling you not to be like the past. Never ever going back to the past and this was not Orochi's doing given he is in front of your eyes.

Orochi saw and could hear something inside you were slowly destroying the chains that locked them up before frowning. "...But, I know that you'll despise yourself more." He stated as you really felt the uneasy rising up from him. Before you could snap at him to tell you what did you do, he already went ahead and told you, "You almost destroyed Liyue because they didn't abide the Heavenly Principles." Orochi said as you looked at him in surprise.

Heavenly Principles... The reason that all these whole game storylines messed up like this. 

But why? Why that? Why her?

You immediately snapped out of thought before looking at Aether in worry, knowing that the first half that he didn't know about his sister joining the Abyss or anything about Celestia, Abyss, Fatui. This is really worrying you, that power you did during that Ruin Guard fight... What if you had a direct connection to Celestia?

You felt your head exploding from all this new information about you before you immediately stood up, pushing away Corazon and Astra. You weren't sure why but you felt like the longer you stayed with Osial, Orochi, Corazon, and Astra, the anomalies to the whole story, you either going to lose sanity by this random flashback that you are having, not knowing which is a lie and which is the truth or you are going to lose control of something that you felt like you tried to hold back.

Osial noticed the overwhelmed look on your face and remembered what Orochi instructed him and the other two to do when you were overwhelmed, they needed to separate from you. Whether he or you like it or not, you needed the story to go your way, and it probably the best if your past never uncovered, you forgotten any connection you had in the past. He was willing to let go of you but Corazon and Astra were not.

"Young Master," Osial called out your name as you looked at him directly him. He looked at you give a smile but you could clearly tell it was painful. "May I request a long holiday? I need to bring Corazon and Astra along with me for this whole holiday trip. I promise I'll be back." He said before taking Corazon's and Astra's hands as you looked at him in confusion.

"Wha- Why...?" You asked, worried that it's probably you didn't spend enough time with him as you selfishly hang out with other people. He gave you a warm smile, making you feel somewhat nostalgic as he used his tentacle to pat your head.

"Don't worry, we just want to go on our own mini-adventure. We, as monsters, don't feel like fitting in with the human lifestyle. Besides, it will be really short that you felt like this holiday never happened. Oh, and also have this." He handed you something that looked like a seashell pendant. "If you are in dire need of help, we will be here in a blink of an eye. So may we go now?" he said but this feels too sudden.

Why now...? But if it were their wishes, you would happily let them. Paimon was also confused by why he had to go to given that she had followed you around to take care of Teucer. "Alright... But could you at least keep in contact with me every day?" You asked as he nodded and as much as Cora was against this idea, he had to act natural for the sake of your safety.

"Can you even read the letter?' Cora scoffed, hiding his unwanted feelings of disappointment and sadness since you had been nothing but making him feel warm and safe. You just chuckled before looking at Paimon but she didn't seem to comment anything either.

Astra felt really grateful that you treated him kindly, giving him food, giving this form that absolutely making him even prettier and he had no need to worry about his skin sensitivity during the wind blowing, giving you a very nice name but, he can't keep staying with you for so long if it hurts you. "Well, bye, bye, Y/N. I promise to bring you a huge piece of meat for us to eat together. And maybe some sweet flowers to go with it. Valo, odomu. Mosi Mita." Astra said, you still don't want them to go and this just makes you feel really uneasy.

As you, Aether, Paimon, and Orochi watched them left. Of course, no matter how he hated Osial for spending time with you but, he felt like a friend to him. With the sad yet sudden departure happening today, only one was celebrating and wearing a smile inside himself. The demon only chuckled to himself. "I managed to get rid of the nuisances, unnecessary side characters." He had only one mission and then after that, he is free. 

He just needs to keep on putting on an act to do this whole mission and maybe get answers from that god just what the hell are you.


Author Note:

I felt like this was a flop and I sincerely apologize because I got a sudden headache while writing this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and have a great day also have this picture as compensation for this chapter.

 Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and have a great day also have this picture as compensation for this chapter

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