𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘

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The next day, you were making sure that you were prepared for the party that you promised Mona and hoped that Paimon's relay your invitation to Osial, Aether, Astra, Corazon, Fischl and Oz. You took a stroll around Monstadt, feeling quite peaceful as you hummed to yourself.

"You seems to be in a good mood, Y/N." You heard a familiar voice behind you which made you turned around. There you saw Huffman but he was in his casual clothes rather than his usual knight. You not going to lie but he looked so fine.

"Oh, it's you, Huffman. Not working today?" You asked as he sighed and shook his head.

"Master Jean let me have my own holiday but I can't help but feel a little odd that I do not have anything to do today. I can't even patrol around Mondstadt... Going tavern make me felt a little... guilty and I pretty much don't have anything to do." He said nervously while rubbing his neck.

You thought for a moment for any suggestion as you came up with an idea. "Say, do you want to accompany me for a stroll around Mondstadt? You could indirectly protect Mondstadt while strolling around place like this." You stated as he looked at you with his eyes lit.

"That's a really good idea. Do you really not mind having me around, Honorary Knight?" He asked as you shook your head.

"Of course and why would I? Also, please don't be so formal. Y/N is suffice." You added but his heart was pounding because after all, he was walking to a legendary traveler that managed to take down a dragon and army of Ruin Guards. He also didn't expected that someone as young as you could even be that strong as well. "Is there any places you want to go, Huffman?" You asked him as you turned to him.

"Wait... You want me to choose the place?" You nodded as he thought for awhile. He not so sure where to go since he only stayed in Mondstadt for so long. "...I don't know anywhere else. Truth to be told, I rarely go somewhere outside the city." He admitted and letting out a sigh.

You were surprised to hear that but you do see him a lot in the city. "That's okay, hmm... How about you just followed my lead." You suggested it to him which made him a little bit curious where will you take him.


Throughout the whole journey, he listened to every story you told him, he drank some of the drinks that you brought along the way, admiring the beauty that he never seen before and learning that hilichurls can be really nice if he was not wearing armor or carrying weapon around. That was until you two arrived at the Stormbearer Mountains that was covered in dandelions. His breath were taken away by the sight of it.

"Isn't it pretty, Huffman?" Your voice immediately brought his attention to you and just to be bless by the sight of a smile on your face. He was in awe by the sight of it before your expression on your face changed. "Huffman?" You called out his name again.

The moment he blink, he saw the harsh reality. Another daydreaming again... He let out a sigh as he just watched you walked past by him. "This is too strange... Why I keep thinking of him..." He mumbled to himself as he continued patrolled the area.

Without him realizing, someone with blue hair who was behind him smirking. "Ahh... His charms gotten too strong and here I thought I could just kidnapped him away without anyone noticing. How boring... I guess I need to make a potion that weakened him." The guy snickered before he disappeared into the thin air.

Venti who was busy flying on the sky to see you in his wisp form, he overheard the guy's mumbling to himself and now making his priority to keep you safe.


While you were walking around Windrise, enjoying the cool breeze that was brushing against your skin and hair before you heard a familiar voice shouting your name. "Y/NNNNNNN! CATCH ME!" You saw him suddenly appeared in front of you and jumped towards you.

You immediately panicked before you put your hands out to catch him but you and him ended falling down to the ground. Now, here he is, laying on top of you while hugging you so tightly. "Venti, what the fuck was that?" You asked him while trying to figure out how to stand up.

He just chuckled before he remembered about what he had heard back then. "Y/N... Someone with blue hair tried to kidnap you while you were in the city just now..." You were surprised when you heard that if you have to be honest. Was it Osial after all that tried to betray you? You could feel him hugging you even more tightly. "Please, if something ever happen to you call my name or that adeptus in Liyue for help. I don't want to lose another one again." He said as you hugged him back.

"Alright, alright... I will. Come on, do you want to sit on Windrise and drink some apple cider?" You asked as his face lit up before he get off from you with a smile on his face.

"Yes! Y/N, you're the best." He helped you up before holding your hand and made your way to Windrise.


"Say, Paimon. Did you find Alastair anywhere?" Aether asked while he was holding Grilled Tiger Fish in his hands.

"Well he want to be left alone... From the look of it, he seems like he was crying in pain and Paimon has a feeling that we shouldn't disturb him." Paimon said as she recalled the sad look on his face which made Paimon wondered what happened to him. As much Aether hate to admit it, he couldn't help but worry what was happening to Osial.

Ever since he was apart from you, he became too different in terms of personality. It was as if he was trying to suppress something that was inside him. He just hoped that this party you will hold make him feel better.


Author Note:

Sorry for the chapter. I be running out of brain juices after fighting Ruin Cube. I want a refund on my Ayaka... ;-; Anyways, self promo real quick! If you guys are interested in BNHA, I have written a fanfic on it! You can go check it out on my profile :D!

Anyways, that's all from me, hope you have a good day. Also have a Strawberry Kaeya fanart!

 Also have a Strawberry Kaeya fanart!

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