𝑾𝒆 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒖𝒂𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒐 👨‍🦯

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You watched them talking to the sister to borrow the Holy Lyre but failing in many different way and now Venti is bugging you to ask the sister if you could borrow the lyre.

"Even if I ask, it won't make any different. We need documentation on it after all." You said before he sighed.

"Looks like borrowing it is not going to be possible. We're simply going to steal it." Venti said which made Aether and you fell into silence. The only thing that worrying you is that if you were seen by the guards, it might cause some sort of trouble.

"Come on now, speak up. That's what free will is for." He said as you sighed.

"If we're gonna steal it, we have to steal it at night. There wouldn't be many guards to guard the Lyre. Though, I think we might have to consider finding a way to escape." You said. You totally have forgotten how to escape from there.

"You actually considering stealing it!?" Aether looked at you in disbelief before you nodded.

"Well, for the sake of the dragon's health and this Stormterror's issue to be done with." You feel you should end this Stormterror's issue as quickly as possible to avoid the dragon to be in much pain than it already in.

"But I don't want to steal anything..." Aether stated before Venti chuckled at his statement.

"Look at you. Sidetracked from the start." He said with a smile before his smile dropped suddenly. "But seriously, you're more suitable for the job than I. Aside from singing, I don't really have any other talent. Besides if I was caught, I'd have no one to right my grave injustice of my arrest." Venti explained.

Can you just turned into a wind to escape? You still have your Gnosis, right? You thought as you looked at him. Though, you guess it's for the 'plot' reason of this story that give him inability to escape.

"But things would be different for Aether and Y/N. You two are the superstars of the Knights of Favonius. You have made contribution to Mondstadt. Should you get caught, you would be able to talk your way out of it." Venti explained as you sighed.

You really wish it was really that simple honestly. You have zero idea on how to smooth talk your way out. "Stop mentioning us getting caught!" Paimon huffed as she put her hands on her hips.

"So what do you say?" He turned to you two with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"I'm already in." You said as you turned to Aether who seems to try to process things in his head.

"I'm sorry- Wait... Did you just say.... you're Barbatos?" Aether asked. He really eager trying to find her and reunited with her as soon as possible. You would do the same if it were you. It will change the future significantly.

"Ah yes. Seems that I mention that... Your point being?" He asked as Aether have a determined look on his face.

"If you really are a god, then we can't simply abandon you." Aether stated as Venti was quite confused.

"Why does your decision hinge upon whether or not I am a god?" He questioned.

"Paimon'll fill you in on Aether's background story when we get the time..." Paimon answered which confused him even more.

"We will bring you Holy Lyre der Himmel." Aether said.


The night has fallen. You entered the Cathedral sneakily and arriving on the basement, you saw around 5 guards wandering around.

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