𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒗𝒔 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑰'𝒎 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑰 𝒘𝒊𝒏

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As you arrived at the entrance, you sensed a very strong aura of anger? Fear? You were not quite sure how to put it but it felt something similar like that.

"Huh, what happened? The city gate is swarming with Millelith and... the Fatui?" Paimon were puzzled as Zhongli thought for a while.

"This atmosphere is highly abnormal. It seems as though something big has happened." Zhongli said as he wore a concerned look on his face. "We should ask around a little, just to be safe." You nodded before asking one of the nearest guy.

As they began to ask a few question, you took this opportunity to change your outfit into much more flexible clothes since you are worried that your Liyue outfit that Paimon bought for you might get tore badly.

You immediately changed your clothes into something more flexible for you to fight so that you could deal even much more damage on them. After opening your gloves, you realized that the back of your hand had a primodial shape on it which was kind of surprising for you.

"Huh... I'm just gonna have this on my hand then...?" You mumbled while touching it before putting on a new gloves as you were ready to go.

You returned back with a whole new look which surprised Aether and Paimon. "Wait, since when did you change your clothes?" Paimon asked.

"Just now." You answered as Paimon looked at you in confusion. She tried figure out how but she just can't.

"Paimon ran out of brain juice to figure out. Anyways, so what did Zhongli mean by looking for the 'fuse'?" Paimon asked Aether as Aether sighed.

"You know, Mr. More-Money-Than-Sense." Aether said, sounded so salty as he crossed his arms.

"Ooh, Paimon gets it! If there's anyone that wants to see the whole city turned upside down, it's definitely him. But, where could we find him now? Where would he go at a time like this?" Paimon questioned while Aether and Paimon tried to think before you took out your phone and looked through the map to navigate to the Golden House.

"I know where he would be. Follow me." You said as Paimon and Aether exchange a look with each other before following you.


You guys entered the Golden House before Paimon looked around in awe. "Wow... This is the Golden House? It looked impressive enough from the outside... But who would've guessed that it was even fancier on the inside... and so full of Mora!!! This is where all of Teyvat's Mora is minted, right? In that case, maybe they won't notice if a few Mora go missing..." Paimon said as she looked at the pile of Mora in temptation.

Aether stopped her from taking the Mora and said, "If it were that easy, this place would have been emptied long ago." Paimon looked a little disappointed when Aether said that.

"Ooh, so it's a trap. Tricky, tricky... Good thing Paimon's got you here! But even if we can't take any, we can still have a closer look, right? Or better yet, take a nap on top of a mountain of Mora! It's like a dream come true!" Paimon said as she still got distracted by the amount of Mora.

"No time for that. Right now, we have to check on the Exuvia first." You said as Paimon snapped back to the reality.

"Oh, right! Back to business. It's quiet... Too quiet. Surely someone's gotta be guarding something as important as the Exuvia." Paimon as you went deeper in the Golden House.

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