𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆

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You entered the Northland Bank while holding Teucer's hand, just to make sure he wasn't lost and you encountered Ekaterina and Childe discussing with each other about something. That was... before Teucer saw Childe and immediately let go of your hand and run towards Childe. "Yay, my brother! I finally found you!" He exclaimed which caught Childe's attention.

"I know that voice... Why, if it isn't my little brother, Teucer! My goodness!" He brought Teucer to a hug before carrying him while there's you slowly walk your way there. You just sighed as you crossed your arms but seeing this whole scene make you feel happy for them. "What a nice surprise, Teucer! I thought I would have to wait till I return home before seeing you again... How are the others - sister Tonia and brother Anthon? Is everybody keeping well?" He asked as Teucer nodded in excitement.

As they were talking, you felt somewhat envied for their relationship which sometimes you wished that you have your sister be here for you. In the middle of the conversation, Childe began to realize something.  "Wait a second, what are you doing here in Liyue, Teucer? How have I not heard anything about this?" He asked which cause Teucer to explain what happened.

He turned to you who rather looked amused than surprised. "So Teucer is a stowaway and your brother. How surprising." You spoke before Paimon looked relieved and happy to know about this fact.

"Cool! Suddenly, Paimon doesn't feel so bad about taking Teucer's money!" She stated as Childe discussed few things with Teucer asking him to not do that again and also to say thank you to both of you which brought a somewhat offended look on Paimon. "Oh, so you did notice we were here, you were just ignoring us. Gotcha."

He chuckled nervously before rubbing his neck. "Forgive me, it's always family first where I'm from. Don't take it personally. I know we've had our differences up to now, but... a few minor quibbles aside, we get on quite well, don't you think?" He asked as you raised your eyebrows, looking really amused.

"You've got a lot of nerve for saying that." You said with a passive-aggressive tone. You still haven't forgotten what he had done.

"Come on, you know I'm just a pawn in all of that. Just doing my part. As for who wins, who loses, and how each side deals with consequences... I prefer to leave all that up to the ones playing the game. I'm much more interested in who wins and who loses when it comes to our little sparring matches." He proclaimed.

Paimon hummed, knowing how strong you actually were and you've been going soft on him. "Sounds like you're ready to get your butt kicked again?" She provoked him before he scoffed and looked at you competitively.

"You're forgetting something about me — I, Tartaglia, spend every second getting stronger. Don't expect to have it quite so easy next time." You just rolled your eyes and smirked. You approached him closely before pulling his collar down to your level.

He was surprised to be in a situation like this. He could feel your breath brushing against his cheeks. He could smell a scent of Qingxin on yourself almost reminding him about what happened in Golden House. "I guess, you're ready if I pull something similar as our last fight?" He recalled the kiss you two had shared before heat spread across his cheeks. You let go and chuckled at his flustered. "But if a spar you want, I'm always ready and I know I could win."

Paimon noticed the direction of this conversation going and decided to step in. Especially now that you shouldn't be in a mood of getting upset without you turned to that. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, you aren't gonna fight now, are you?" She asked hesitantly as Childe chuckled.

"Maybe not right now. Not while my kid brother is watching." Childe said before Teucer looked at you two with a frown on his face.

"Why do you wanna fight the nice guy? Are you guys enemies?" He questioned before Childe shook his head.

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