𝑹𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕

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While making your way to the shield, you noticed Stanley was following you guys before running off somewhere else. "Stanley? What's he doing here?" Venti questioned as he watched him running off.

"Probably taking a stroll or something. Who knows." You answered before Jack turned to you two who were looking at a different direction.

"What happened? Why did you stop all of a sudden?" Jack asked as you looked at him with a smile.

"It's nothing really. Just a pretty butterfly." You answered as Venti nodded in agreement. Jack was about to ask if he could see but you didn't let him uttered a word. "Well let's find the shield or else we might return really late. I have a busy schedule." You stated as you immediately spotted a hilichurl holding what it seems to be a wine barrel lid.

Venti immediately stopped you and Jack before he cleared his throat. "Lo and behold, the Shield of Magnificient Honor." You approached to the hilichurl asking it if you can have the shield in exchange for meat and sweet flower.

You looked at the stats and it literally say "Wine Barrel Lid Shield" with the description said, "This was originally stole in Dawn Winery which is the most expensive items for the hilichurls." You stayed silence while Venti began to convince him that it really is the legitimately one which made you feel bad that you literally scammed Jack for this.

Jack, of course, bought the story and took both the sword and shield with his eyes full of hope. "Guys, thank you so much! I can't believe I actually found them!" He stated in excitement as you let out a sigh before you watched him running off back to Mondstadt.

"Hey, wait!" Venti called out for him but was ignored by Jack who kept running off which made Venti slumped to the ground. "The wine, you promised! Ugh, and I actually helped a lot this time—" You and Venti heard a branch snapped which made you turned to the direction of the sound.

"Ah... haha, ah— hey!... What're you doing here, bard, traveler! Fancy that, huh? You, uh... out for a stroll too?" He asked as you nodded.

"That is right. We also helped a friend looking for something. Legendary adventurers like you must be pretty familiar and nostalgic your days here at Dadaupa Gorge. You've surely fought battles here before with your friend." You stated as he was a little taken back by your statement. Well, you remembered that you actually struggled to stay alive against a Mitachurl when you started the game.

Struggling with builds, still discovering Mondstadt and a little bit excited for Liyue back then. It was a nice experience and your sense of joy during your whole lockdown experience.

He did watched your entire journey braving in the Dadaupa Gorge to find the sword and shield, it did reminded him of his friend and him adventuring around here but just for the treasure. "You'd better believe it! I could navigate this whole area with my eyes closed!" He bragged once again.

"Wow, I admire your perseverance, and your memory too." Venti said with a kind smile on his face. Venti immediately caught on what was happening when his reaction towards your statement seems to be soften.

"It's only to be expected of a great adventurer like me! You guys had better watch out though. This place is crawling with hilichurls!" That sentences served no purpose to you since you basically befriended the hilichurls in Mondstadt, plus the feats of you slaying a dragon and 'defeat' Osial. "I, ah— I'll get back to my, um... ah... stroll now. Goodbye." He left the scene as you waved goodbye to him.

"Bye bye and may the Anemo Archon protects you." Venti looked at you before turning to Stanley who was slowly fading out of your visions.

"On further reflection, I must say I'm intrigued. Someone who can't let go of the past, and gives up on the present instead... I wonder... if such a person was forced to take their first step towards the future, which way would they go?" Venti questioned as you looked at him silently before you shifted your gaze at the horizon.

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