𝑭𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝑯𝒖𝒏𝒕, 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝑾𝒆 𝑮𝒐!

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"Aether, Paimon, do you want to go to the library with me? I want to borrow some books for my research. We could grab a bite at Good Hunter later." You said before Aether immediately nodded.

"Ooohhh! Paimon wanna come." She said excitedly. "We should go now! Paimon want a Fisherman Toast." She said as she licked her lips.

Of course, she only cared about the food... You thought before heading to the library that was placed in the Knights of Favonius Headquarter.

As you entered the headquarter, you saw Kaeya who seems very in distress. "Kaeya seems frustrated about something. We should check up at him." Paimon said before you guys heading towards Kaeya.

"This is bad... Such a hassle... What am I going to do?" He mumbled as he paced back and forth.

"What's wrong, Kaeya?" Aether asked as Kaeya turned to your direction which he immediately looked he was saved.

"You don't usually lose your chill." You stated before he hugged you both which puzzled you two.

"Oh thank the Thousand Winds! Travelers, your arrival must be the grace of the gods!" Oh boy... Here we go again. Another quest that have to be done.

"If I may ask - envoy send by the Anemo God to save this mere mortal - could you spare a moment?" He asked as you sighed.

"Ewww.... cut it out!" Paimon said in disgust as Aether waited for you to answer him.

"Can't say we don't have time... Tell us what happened." You crossed your arms.

"Marvelous! I cannot let my peers know about this! I cannot seek help from anyone else but you." You are not looking forward for this quest at all.

You remembered when you first started this quest. You were immesurably disappointed by the fact he made up the stories and made you the work.

"Please, let us move to somewhere more fit for such conversations... Let's talk in the courtyard just outside the headquarters. Come with me." He said as you guys followed him to the courtyard as Paimon gave him a suspicious look.

"What's with the sneakiness..." She asked as you just shrugged before you guys found a very secluded place in the courtyard.

"This place will do." Paimon was already about to burst as she put her hands on her hips. You, who already know about the story just kept quiet about this.

"Tell us what about this already!" She shouted, clearly annoyed. You now wished that you have some sort of drink that you could drink. Like Starbucks drink or apple cider right now. Either would be good right now.

"How should I begin... Oh, right, let me tell you a secret first." You are just gonna stand here, pretending you don't know anything and you just don't exist in this scene.

"Don't worry, Paimon's lips are sealed." She said as she made a zipping gesture on her mouth. Aether gave her a doubtful look that she could keep a secret.

"As a matter of fact, your grandfather was a pirate." He said with such proud look on his face while disappointment hits on Paimon and Aether.

"Oh..." Paimon said with her arm crossed. You really want something to drink instead of standing there just listening to their conversation.

"... Wait, why do you sound blithe? Do you think I'm making it up?" Kaeya asked as all three of you nodded. "Look at my eyepatch! I inherited it from my grandfather and this is a solid proof that we are related." He pointed at his eyepatch.

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