𝑼𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑹𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒏

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[A/N: .... I am not sure if I'm ready to read your comments after writing this...]

You were heading towards the Cathedral as usual to visit them before you heard Sara from Good Hunter called you to come to her which made you wondered if she had commission for you.

The restaurant was quite full with people even the seats outside was full of people. “Do you need anything for me to help?” You asked as she nodded and sighed in relief.

“I have something I’d like the Knights of Favonius to do for me, and I want you to pass on my request to the Acting Grand Master.” She said as you couldn’t help but feel sense of familiarity to this. “You are close to her, right?” She asked.

“Yeah, I guess you could say I am very close to her. What was it did you wanted to tell to Jean?” You asked as you took your phone to write it down so you didn’t forget.

“It must be nice to know Jean has your back. I must apologize for being unable to visit the Knights in person, but the restaurant has been so busy lately. Unfortunately, it’s right in this busy season that the route between here and Springvale, which is used to deliver our ingredients, seems to have been occupied by the hilichurls.” She explained as you started to know where this is from.

“Oh.. so you want the Knights to clear the roads?” You asked as you typed it down on your phone.

“Yes, that would be great!” She let out a relief sigh as she smiled. “With Jean on the case, this’ll be solved in no time. Thank you.”

“No problem, maybe I should offer my help to Jean.” You thought as you headed to Angel’s Share while going to the Headquarters to confirm yourself if this is a story quest or this is just a request.

You headed inside the Angel’s Share and just to be greeted with Charles who seems to be contemplating while cleaning the glass on his hand. “Hey, Charles! Do you need anything for me to help?” You asked as he turned to you.

“Oh if it isn't the apple cider addict, Y/N. You came at the perfect time. I heard you are Jean's new hotspot helper. Tell Jean I need my quarterly tax return forms then. It's time to get Elzer onto the accounts." You typed it down on your phone and already knowing that this was a quest.

"Hmm... I can't help but worry about Jean... Anyways, I'll get going. I'll see you later." You were about to leave before Charles realized something that he forgotten to tell.

"Wait, I forgot to tell you something." You stopped before turning around and tilted your head. "Master Diluc asked me to pass this bottle of our new concotion to you. Did you ordered it?" He handed you the bottle as you took a sniff of the drink. You could smell apple with a hint of vanilla and dandelion.

"I don't remember ordering anything from him... Hmm... I'll ask him later." You kept the bottle in your inventory before bidding goodbyes to him and left the tavern. You headed to the Knights of Favonius' Headquarters until you saw Margaret who seems to be really worried as she also headed to the Headquarters.

She noticed you went passed her and stopped you. "Hey!" You stopped and turned around, forgetting that Margaret was also in the list of quest.

"Margaret? You seems to be looking quite worried as if you lost someone." You stated as she nodded.

"I-I did. Have you seen Princey anywhere?" You began to realize that she also had a request for Jean.

"What does he looked like again?" You questioned her as you took your phone to write it down. She described the cat look as you tried to remember if you saw any black cats.

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