𝑪𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒖𝒑

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After that party while everyone's asleep, you were awake, sitting at the Venti's statue hand because well, today was going to be your last day here since you wanted to see the view but then again, you really could just come in and go as you please.

You still needed to process the thought of the whole situation. She who planted Orochi inside you and if your memory were correct it was the Unknown God that planted it in according to Osial. Orochi killed everyone who never cared for you or used you which explains the mass murder... But in your sister message, you saw a glimpse of the past but... it felt like it was made up.

Was it...? You never know anyway. You felt somebody patting your head as you looked up to see Orochi who is in his true form, didn't even look you in the eyes. "No need to wonder about your past. Enjoy the present or you'll regret it." He said before turning to you with sharp yet gentle eyes.

Maybe Orochi isn't as bad as others make of him but still it bothered you. How was he sealed in you anyway? "Wait, I have a question. Did my sister sealed you from taking control of me before you got to kill her?" You asked him as he frowned.

"You are talking about that false memory. Of course, she didn't. The one that seal me is a goddess. Her name is Guizhong, Zhongli's old friend. She sealed me with the intention of giving your body back to you since well... I have practically own your body at that time. You died right after she sealed me though. Saying something like, 'Take care of Morax and you will learn the truth soon' or something like that." You were surprised to hear that if you have to be honest.

"Is Guizhong my aunt or something?" You asked the most stupidest question as he frowned.

"No. Well, I don't know your relationship with her in the past, you must talk to that Squidward about it. Rather, I should tell you this. After that death of yours, the I don't remember when was it you reincarnated, you had went here after that. Right before the destruction of Khaenri'ah. I only found a fragment of the memory in your head... You go by a different name though." He explained as you began to be more curious about it.

"I've been here but with a different name...?" Orochi nodded.

"It was something like... Eve? I don't know but since it's a fragment, the only memory I saw was that you were trying to free yourself something while you mercilessly slaughtered all the Khaenri'ah's people who were on Snezhnaya." Orochi summarized as you took in the information.

Now that raised a new question but it did clear up your thoughts a little. So every memory and the message in the rainbow hourglass is fake... Probably because they get your sexuality colors wrong. "Alright... Thank you, Orochi." You said as he sat next to you instead going back into your head which surprised you to be honest.

"It's boring sitting inside your head. Let me be out here for awhile, Master." He said as you hummed in response. Strangely, you could smell his soft scent that reminded your sister back at earth. You let out a sigh and looked at the sky. Who would've thought that out of all people you would miss your older sister the most?


You managed to return back to the inn to prepare breakfast for 4 boys and a floating child but you noticed something strange when you returned. You never seen Astra and Cora in awhile which made you wonder where were there. You left the food on the table before going out to find them.

"Astra is at Stormbearer Mountain currently."

You were confused for a moment on how does he but you teleported anyway. As soon as you teleported there you saw an Abyss Herald stood there with Astra looking at him in worry. You were confused to see the sight of it if you have to be honest. "Astra...? An Abyss Herald? Wait what?"

"Hi Y/N!" Astra greeted you ever so cheerfully before you smiled back and waved at him. "Well we have a problem and I let him explain." Astra said as he nudged at the Abyss Herald who really does not look so arrogant which made you wonder why.

"That's Corazon. He had aged up or mature or whatever. How am I supposed to know."

"Oh... Y/N." The Abyss Herald uttered your name as you could sense the fear and despair from him. Yet his voice sounded really familiar despite it sounded the same annoying ones. "It's me Corazon. I don't want to be like this... I-" Your hand reached for his before you softly rubbed it.

"It's okay, Corazon. No need to be scared." You tried to assure him but he fell to silence.

"But this means I had to work under her Highness personally. I have no choice. Even if you used your whatever power to shapeshift me back to my original self, I'll still persist. I still have to work with that treacherous place." He looked so frantic which made you felt sorry for him. "I might never be the same." He said as you thought for awhile.

Corazon really don't want to go back in the Abyss so probably should do something about it before you knew a way. "How about I change you to a human?" You asked as he frowned. Not like you could tell by looking at it since they don't even have eyes in the first place.

"Eww... I rather be a boar than a human." You were about to do that before he ran away. You decided to chase him made him ran even more faster than before. "No no no no, that was a joke. IT WAS A JOKE. I don't want to be the first emergency food. Just made me look decent." He gave in as you laughed.

"Alright, alright. Don't be upset if it doesn't look good on your standard." You touched him before he immediately turn to a human. You took out your phone before opening camera for him to look at himself.

"Here, you can see yourself how you looked like." You said as he looked at himself through the camera lens.

" You said as he looked at himself through the camera lens

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[A/N: Credit to PoopyPetal on twitter]

"Ehh... It's decent I guess." He held his own hair before looking at his hands weirdly as you sighed. Your imagination was not up for it and if you have to be honest, you almost made him as Gojo. You don't want to fall for more people than you already should. Though, his voice were quite familiar as a human which made you wonder were have you heard.

"Anyways, let us return alright. I made breakfast for you guys to eat." Astra's eyes immediately lit up before looking at you.

"You made meat dishes right?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yes, I made some Tian- Wait, Astra you could talk?" You asked him just realized he was talking like a normal human as he excitedly nodded.

"Lawrence and that lady with keyhole teach me. I also found a very interesting story where there's Fischl language called the Flowers of Princess Fischl." You looked at him in amaze before you realized how slow you were when it comes to reading.

"That's great for you..."

"You sounded like you were disappointed in me though...."


Author Note:

Making my way out, tiredly. Here, hoping that no one actually asking me to make Cora as a love interest. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great day.

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