𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕

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"So here you guys are...." You stated as Mona and Fischl looked at you in relief before Paimon flying past them and hugged you tightly.

"Y/N, you are okay!" She said in her happiest tone ever. You hugged her back as you patted her head.

"Of course I'm okay... I don't think he would stand a chance against me. Anyways, the biggest one just landed... We should get going before the Fatui get there." You told them as Mona nodded.

"My astrolabe tells me that a new meteorite has landed, and it's the biggest one yet. I already located the meteorite so let's head there quickly." She stated as you guys began follow her to the location.

"Y/N, so did you found out he was Fatui Harbinger and he was after you?" Paimon asked as you nodded.

"Of course, I did. In fact, he did launch an attack on me after that... But I already knew it from the first time we met. Did you really just forgotten that I can see through people?" You asked as she began to realize about it. She was glad enough that you were alive and that's all that matters to her.

Mona was rather intrigued by what she just heard and the fact that you were unfazed by his strength. Unlike Fischl, she could genuinely tell that you really can see through anyone which is why you were somehow managed to pull this whole team together but she questioned how do you do it. 

She turned to you who was busy scrolling through your phone as Paimon seems to be bothering you with food. She tried to look at your constellation once more to know just which part of stars do you belong but all she could see it as words saying Arcanum Historia. A constellation she never heard before in her life.

Not even once her master mentioned it to her. She could also sense another constellation but it was rather vague for her to identify. It made her wonder if you were from another world but even so, you should be carrying some sort of the aura of the stars. She could only stared at your face where your eyes seems to be glimmering by the sun with amber colored eyes.

It does confused her on how your hair and eyes changed color but she didn't dare to question about it because they look... pretty. You, however could feel someone staring at you for quite awhile and it bothered you.

You looked at who was staring and just to find out that Mona was staring at you and as soon as you made eye contact with her, she immediately realized how long she was staring at you before looking away.

You were a bit confused why she was staring at you given that you felt her being curious just by her aura. You were about to ask her but you realized that you guys arrived at the area. "Looks like we made it here before the Fatui. There's no time to lose! This is the one."

A giant meteorite shard was right in front of you and you could feel the unbearably amount of elemental energy emitted from it. Normal people would probably passed out here for just being near. "I sense an unprecedented amount of elemental energy within." Oz stated as he looked around the meteorite.

"The very heart of darkness descends upon the world."  Fischl stated as Paimon thought for awhile.

"Just what does the Fatui want with it? It's elemental energy?" Paimon asked as you shook your head.

"I doubt that actually but there's a possibility to that one. Usually, slimes would be here to absorb the energy which could only mean that the elemental energy is too strong for them to handle, I guess...? Anyways, let's take a closer look, shall we?" Mona nodded before you went really close to the meteorite while waiting for Mona to get the shaving off the meteorite.

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