𝑬𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒇𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆...? 𝑰𝒅𝒆𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆

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Not me forgetting to press publish, sorry y'all.

Warning: ...You know I think I need to be one with the grass. This special chapters thingy here are probably the most dirtiest and kinkiest that I have written. So expect NSFW scene here. Holy bleach will be provided at the end of the chapter.

[A/N: I'm lazy to write like the fight scene so this is just Scara won]

The Abyss Mage looked at Scara in disatisfaction, thinking that the soldiers they called out was impossible for them to defeat. Though, no one expected him to just used his book to smack the shit out of the Electro Geovishap given that it was immune to his element.

"As promised, Y/N will be under your service for a day." The mage said as a bracelet began to be created around Scara which immediately made him trying to break it but nothing happened to it.

He heard footsteps heading towards him and saw you, still in a maid dress though out of the blue, you went towards him and hugged him tightly. "Hey, four eyes wha-" He stopped at mid-sentence when he could feel you trembling in fear as he hugged you back and stroke your head to calm you down.

After you managed to calm down, he broke the hug as he let out a sigh. "Please, next time be careful going around on adventure, four eyes. Now go back to your annoying blonde friend. I have things to do." He flicked your forehead which made you winced in pain while rubbing your forehead. He turned away but you were following him.

He was going to ask why but you already answered to him. "Well... That would be impossible." You fidgeted your fingers and averted your gaze from him.

"What do you mean by that?" He questioned as you took a deep breath and let out a deep sigh.

"That bracelet of yours was implanted magic so that I have to follow you and uhh... also have something to do with the potion that they forced me to drink...? This would only last for a day though." You were hesitant to tell him about what the potion effect, knowing he probably take advantage of it.

He turned to you as he took a step behind and you took a step forward. He raised his eyebrows and became quite interested by this. "Tell me about the potion effect... What can they do?" He asked.

"Any orders you give, I'll do it. Though, the orders you give must be something you really mean it or not it won't work. And separation order won't work unless you found a way to destroy that bracelet." Your mouth answered automatically which immediately make him more interested while you internally cursed.

"So... Anything you say?" He asked as you gulped and nodded. "Kneel." He said as you instantly knelt in front of him.

"...I hate you." You frowned as he smirked in satisfaction.

"Love you too, four eyes." He said as he patted your head. You just glared at him but you can't lie that you really love him patting your head. "Stand up now. I'll play with you later. For now... I bet that blondie is waiting for you and you'll do the explaining for me." He said as you stood up and clean of the dust on your skirt.

"Yeah, sure..." You followed him to the exit. You didn't expected to be attacked by hugs. There were many people asking if you were okay or do you need anything while Xiao is frustrated that you didn't even called out his name.

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