𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒌- 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒅𝒂

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After that incident, Mondstadt tighten the security and increase the amount of Outrider scouting the area. Really there's no sign any Abyss Order activities around the city which bewildered the Knights.

You did few scouting in the area to find any clues regarding about the situation and yourself though you found no luck on finding any.

You returned back to Angel's Share as you slumped on the counter and let out a sigh with a glass of apple cider in hand. "I guess today is another tough day, isn't it?" Charles asked as you nodded.

"If it weren't for the Abyss Order interrupt the party, I would be bringing back bottles of Apple Ciders back." You complained as you drank it till finish. Charles just chuckled as he poured another cider in your glass.

"I guess you haven't heard about it." Charles commented as you immediately looked at him. "The drinking contest will be holding tonight with Master Diluc overviewing the contest." He said as your eyes lit up.

"Really?" He nodded before you smiled widely while imagining the amount of apple cider you might get.

You and Charles exchange some information and stories with each other while waiting for the night to fall. As time has passed, you heard the tavern door being opened revealed Aether, Paimon and Osial coming in, looking very tired.

"What it'll be today? Apple cider or grape juice?" Charles asked as Aether sighed in disappointment.

"Another day, another lack of alcohol... Apple cider, please." Aether answered as he took a seat next to your right.

Charles turned to Osial as he asked, "And you, what would you like?" He asked as Osial sat next to Aether as he thought for awhile.

"I just go with any cocktail you make." Osial answered as Charles immediately pour a glass of apple cider for Aether and started to mix drink for Osial.

They both laid their heads on your shoulder which something you already used to. "You guys must have been really exhausted to the point you came here. So how's the progress?" You asked as Paimon sighed.

"Nothing. We even climbing around the cliffs and going into caves but there's nothing." She said which something you expected.

They probably came from that Abyss portal thingy that the Abyss Herald could create. "I guess that much." You said as you downed another glass of apple cider.

"How about you, Y/N? Found anything?" She questioned as you shook your head.

"Other than stumbled upon a Ruin Guard at a ruin, there's nothing really. I have a feeling they were brought from the Abyss to the surface." You answered as Osial looked at you.

"Oh yeah, that reminded me something. Young Master, I found this in uhh.... Aether where were we?" He questioned while handing you another rainbow hourglass crystal.

"Dadaupa Gorge. We found it at Sleepy Tribe camp. This guy here said that crystal is very important..." He explained as you smiled and kept them inside your inventory.

"Thank you! It's actually really important to me." You said before you looked at your phone for the time. It's already night meaning the drinking contest will be starting soon.

You heard the door opened revealed crowds coming in also Kaeya, Venti (ofc) and Diluc walking in. "It's time for me to go. I wish you luck on winning the drinking contest, Y/N." He said as he patted your back and left the tavern.

"Y/N, how long have you been drinking apple cider?" Diluc asked as you thought for awhile before shrugging.

"I don't know... All I know, I came straight here after finished with my investigation around the area and reported to Jean. My only guess is that they were brought from the Abyss to the surface." You explained as Kaeya looked at you in impressed.

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