𝑬𝒙𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒈𝒐 𝒃𝒓𝒓

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Klee was happily singing some song as you looked at her in confusion. "You seem to be pretty happy when your treasure is gone?" You asked as she turned to you with a big smile.

"Ah, well, Razor and Albedo seem really busy recently. So Klee must not disturb them. But now Klee has new friend! It's such a nice surprise to have a new friend to help me! Hehehe. I'm so happy!" She said in such cheerful tone as you were having a heart attack over her cuteness.

You did not regret about maining her and build her properly. "Well if Klee want someone to play with, I can be there for you." You said with a smile as her eyes sparkled.

"Really? You would?" You nodded as she cheered. "Yay! Now Klee doesn't have to be all alone for the most of the time." Spending time with Klee while commit arson has been always be a dream of yours.

You two finally arrived at her treasure location with a big hole and a sign saying something you can't read. "We're here! This is the place." She said while she turned to you.

"Look, this is where my huuuge treasure was buried..." She said as she pointed at the hole while you observed the hole. It was a very huge hole which made you wonder did she dug it or she just bombed it in.

Though, the real mystery for you is how did she even buried her bombs without it exploded. "Huh..." You already knew who took it so all you needed is for the Abyss Mage to appear.

You glanced to the Abyss Mage who was swinging his wand to attack Klee before you jumped in to save her and got hit by his fireball instead of her.

"Ouch... what was that...?" Klee asked as she looked at you who were on fire. She immediately looked at you in worried.

"You alright, Klee?" You turned to her before you took out the fire just by splashing water at yourself. You turned to the Abyss Mage while protecting her.

"Klee is fine b-but you got hurt." She said as you looked at her with a smile and patted her head.

"I'm okay. It's really nothing." You said as the Abyss Mage looked at you in anger while he was holding Klee's "treasure" in his hand.

Klee turned to Abyss Mage as her eyes widen. "My treasure!" She shrieked as you glared at the Abyss Mage while you took out a sword to fight.

"I knew I saw an Abyss Mage around here." You said as the Abyss Mage huffed and looked at you in disatisfaction.

"I see the little girl's brought her friend with her! Time for a change of plan..." He said as he ran away before you.

"You fu-" You immediately remember about Klee being here. "...Fluffball come back here and fight!" You immediately chased him down with Klee.

"What's an Abyss Mage? I play in the forest all the time, but I've never seen one before. It looks so cute! Soft, and fluffy... I wanna pet it." Klee said as she looked at the Abyss Mage.

Now that Klee said that it made you wondered how fluffy would it be to hug an Abyss Mage. You casted a wall in front of the Abyss Mage before it stopped in front of the wall before turning to you while growling.

"Game's over. Give Klee back her treasure." You pointed your sword at Abyss Mage as he snarled at you.

"You fools think I would give this up so easily after what I have been through to acquire it?" He said as he swung his wand summoned a bunch of Pyro slimes and teleported away.

"You lil piece of shi...mmering fire of crap." You really should hold back your curse language around Klee. You turned to her and smiled at her. "Klee, stand back and let me handle these Pyro slimes alone." You said to her as she looked at you in worry.

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