𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍- 𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆....

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After that incident yesterday, you guys took rest and agreed to meet up at a designated place. As you reached towards them, you noticed Fischl seems quite restless while Oz cleared his throat. "The time has finally come. Though it brings mein Fräulein no joy to do so, there is something she must announce to the assembled populous." You realized which scene was this.

"My loyal servants, one must bid you adieu till such time as I beckon you once more. Though we have faced many trials and tribulations together, you have all shown commendable courage in the course of duty. I feel a breeze now blows upon this place... and I feel that it blows in your honor." She said with guilt was clearly on her face.

"Whaaat? You just gonna bail on us?!" Paimon sounded really sad when she heard Fischl's going to leave.

"It's okay. I understand. Go help the people. They probably need your help after that incident." You smiled as she looked at you in surprised before smiling back. She was quite sad that this moment was ending. You were the first one to really understand and wasn't bothered her weird speech.

" ...Goodbye, Y/N. You are a good listener. ...I enjoy chatting with you. To be honest, most of the other adventurers in the Guild only ever talk to me when they wanna hear Oz's reconnaissance reports... This little journey we had... it was a great adventure. I'm just sorry that it has to end so abruptly..." She said as you giggled before covering Paimon's mouth.

Oz was about to point out before you signaled him not to say anything. "It's the same goes as me, Princess. You should get going and help them also take care!" You waved goodbye to her before she smiled at you.

"You too, take care. And can I see you again?" She asked as you nodded.

"Why of course. See ya!" You replied which put a smile on her face before she headed out while waving goodbye at you. You watched her leaving before you let go of Paimon's face.

"What was that for?" Paimon asked as you turned to her.

"I'm not letting the chance to hear her totally break form away so easy." You stated as Paimon just gave you a confusion look.

"Paimon never be able to get what are you thinking..." Mona sighed as she crossed her arms.

"Well, now we're two people short. But let's not get hung up about that. The good news is, I've found something else out." You turned your attention to her as she showed the meteorite shaving in a very small jar. She explained how she managed to find more info about Leonard and how his will managed to influence others suggested that he has to be an adventurer.

"An adventurer? That does explain his obsession with mountain climbing!" Paimon stated as you just stand there how Aether is in the game. After she finished talking, you immediately took out your phone.

"Let's go, Paimon. I think I might have an idea who is this Leonard." Paimon and Mona turned to you in surprised. Mona don't doubt you since for some reason, she could tell you were quite knowledgeable when it comes to things like this but she find it very strange on how are you knowing that you seem to have missing pieces of memories of you in Teyvat.

She watched you left with Paimon as she sat down and wondered if your constellation means that people bound to forget about there past and stayed mysterious without any danger surrounding you.


"Why are we at the library? Why not ask the Adventurer's Guild?" Paimon asked as you turned to her.

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