𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆

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You felt sudden warmth caressing your cheeks as you heard somebody shouted which slowly become clearer and clearer. "Oi, oi. Wake up, brat." You opened your eyes to see Sukuna or Orochi was blocking the light from your sight. You immediately sat up as you remember what happened to Mona, Fischl,  Aether and Paimon.

"Wait, what happened to them?" You asked him and looked at you at your surrounding to see you were on a beach. "Wait... Where are we? Was that a dream?" You asked before he grumbled.

"One at time please... Firstly, on this time nothing happened to them. They are well and walking, not dead. Secondly, we are at Musk Reef. Lastly, no. I brought us back to the time where everything began to get fishy." He explained as you were confused.

"Wait but how come you are the God of Time? I thou-" You were abruptly interrupted by him as he shook his head.

"If I were on surely that bard would recognized me." You thought for a moment before you remember about the lore.

"Oh yea, you're right. So how the hell did you...?" You trailed off, hoping he would answer you.

"Magic. Also hide." He dragged you down to hide behind a boulder as you saw another you, conversing with Scara. This scene felt quite similar but where... Oh Harry Potter: The Prisoner of Azkaban. Orochi sneered at you. "Still not over your Potterhead phase, huh?"

"Ain't my fault that Hagrid being iconic in there. Also Hermione was my favorite. Sadly, the writer went nuts..." He rolled his eyes, wondering why does he had the misfortune to spend with you. Even watching you flirt with other guys or simping for people made him agitated.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever but don't look at another you and Scara. Look behind another you." He forced your head to turn to the direction of the sea. There you saw Osial who was spying on you, with what it seems to be a knife. "Before you ask, no that's not your puppy Osial. I can't actually pinpoint who that is... Certainly not one of the guys I killed as well but seems to be related to you. If only you have your memory fully unlocked and this would make this whole thing easier." 

You halted and turned to him. "Excuse me but what?" You asked him as he looked at you seems to be indifference by your reaction.

"What? You expected me to sit and watch you flirt with whoever. I mean I don't mind the sex because you look hot but other than that, I just dig through your memory." He stated as you gave him a disbelief look. Does he had to comment on that?

You were going to ask him how before you noticed that the fake Osial cut your hand before quickly healed it. The blood that was on his knife was immediately being put on a bottle before he immediately dissolved into sands. "What the fuck." You both said in unison before you saw that you and Scara began to fade.

"He... became a sand- WA-" Orochi covered your mouth before seeing another person began to emerge from the sand. It was not the fake Osial, instead a black hair wearing a hooded robe and kept his knife away. He began to take out his glasses before Orochi covered your eyes and shut his own eyes.

"...Thank god, I didn't took too much. This should be enough to last for a day." You heard the voice that sounded awfully familiar to you yet you do not know where. "He will be really angry if he find out all the dirty work for me to save him." He said sounded very longing. "If only I wasn't cursed." He stated before you heard a sound of something opening for a moment before closing it.

Orochi let go of you before looking at the horizon with his eyebrows furrowed. "Your brother was behind it... That's unlike him to be working under someone especially with the god-brother complex he had in the past." Orochi stated which confused you again but then again if you gave in the fact that he can create things just with his hands, you would get why he would have God complex. As for the brother complex was too weird for you and you don't want to say a word.

Maybe he is-

"Stop, stop. I ain't here to hear your nonsensical theory about your brother being a God. We should take in the consideration that he could fucking shape shift... According to your terrible memory, your brother could shape shift, almost similar to umm... What was that girl name...? Himeko Toga? Or is it Himiko Touya?" He just shrugged but you thought for awhile.

"So you are saying that he was the one who attacked them? Jeez, if he could solo them alone, he must be really strong."

"Nah, he just used his creation to do the work. He, himself is squishy as hell that I can destroy him with my own hand both with this and my original form." He stated which made you curious, how does he looked like again on his original form. You know you seen it once but it was somewhat blurry. All you remember he had marvelous abs.

"Of course your eyes are on my abs."

"Why do you have to read my mind? This is too uncomfortable."

"Like you, I don't want to listen in to your horny thoughts if you are not planning to fuck me." He huffed as you frowned at him.

"Says the one who wanted me to fuck him." You rolled his eyes as he just glanced at you.

"Well, blame me all you want but you were illegally hot. Like how you can be a very rough top and submissive, breedable bottom. Out of all things, I still can't believe you did not fuck me despite knowing my existence." He said as you just looked at him in loss of words.

"This coming from Sukuna's mouth and appearance made me feel weird with this whole situation and why the fuck are we suddenly talking about fucking each other. We have bigger crisis than I'm not fucking you." You said and tried to go to who knows where before Orochi grabbed your collar.

"Oi, oi, oi... No need to go in hurry. We have a day left. Even if you go now, you can't do anything about it unless the place took at the same spot and at the same time." He explained as you sighed.

"You're right. Haste makes waste... But the thing is I-"

"You don't know when it happens. Better reward me for being a good... 'pet', I did investigation while your memories were deleting itself. Ah... wait but then, there is a chance your memories being deleted since I guess you were not supposed to know what happened at the end of the journey and all.." He explained.

That is worrying given that Mihoyo loves to make people confused with their lores and be able to make the whole fandom freaked out. Orochi suddenly snapped his fingers as if he had an idea.

"Listen here, I'm gonna say it once and no repeat. I know what was the cause and how to prevent it from happening, basically what we do is..." He began to explain the plans to you before your eyes lit up.

"Ahh, I see... But... it sounded-"

"It's going to be fine. You have to save your precious puppy, your yandere and your two new girlfriends right?" He asked which made you slowly agreeing. "Then, trust me, Master."

This really throws you off as of why he goes as far as lending you a hand since he's a demon. Literally acts and talks like him but at this aspect made him humane... Which made you wonder if he was once a human before the Unknown God did something to him.


Author Note:

I'll be honest. I don't know where I'm going with this at all but I hope you enjoy this chapter because I wrote this while I'm sick.  That's all from me and hope you all have a nice day.

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