𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒆...

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As everyone were asleep, you took this chance to sneak out from the inn because you can't sleep and stop yourself from remembering the event you just went through. Even the fanfiction you read reminded you about it.

You walked around Mondstadt as you felt the cold breeze gushing through your skin as you looked up at the sky. You felt peace at the sight of the starry night and actually made you feel better.

There were not a single shop was opened and the city were quite dark and empty at the very least. You went to sit on one of the bench as you let out a sigh.

A coffee would be nice at this weather... You thought before you heard footsteps around the area. There you saw Jean who was walking around, you presumed she just finished with work. She looked at you in surprised as she turned to you.

 She looked at you in surprised as she turned to you

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"Oh, Y/N. I didn't expect you to be here all alone. I'm guessing you can't sleep." Jean said as you nodded.

After all, how could you fall asleep after having that sort of dream in your mind. "Anyways, I assumed you just finished with your work?" You asked as she nodded.

"Well not entirely, there's still so much that I have to do but I have to go through them later..." She replied as you could tell that she's exhausted.

"You know, if you need any help with some of your works, you could tell me about it and I get it done. It's not like I have any better things to do." You stated as she smiled at you.

"I appreciate the gesture but it's more about the paperworks than physical works that you could do. Unless, you want to do that, of course? I also heard from Paimon that you can't write or read which I wasn't sure if it's true or not." Jean said as she looked at the empty seat next to you. "May I?" She questioned as you nodded before sighing.

"Well, more or less, Paimon did tell the truth. I didn't know how to write or read whether it has to do with me losing my memory or not is a mystery." You explained to her.

"Oh right... Would you like me to arrange a lesson with Lisa? She could teach you how to read." Jean suggested while she looked at you, noticed how short you were compared to her.

"Yeah, I would love to. That would be extremely helpful for me. Thanks Jean." You smiled before you realized the way you addressed her. "Wait, you don't mind me if I only call you Jean, right?" You asked her as she smiled at you.

"If you are comfortable with it then, please call me Jean." She responded as you let out a sigh of relief. You didn't want to sound rude or anything that would cause her discomfort.

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