𝑶𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒉𝒊, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈

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You followed Xiao into the cavern before you fell all sorts of evil aura that you could feel in here and with that being said, you were indifferent by it. "I will use the ritual known as the to relieve this place of its karma. You must remain calm. Do not allow yourself to be affected by the lingering wrath of bygone gods."  He warned to you.

"You know, I ought tell you this but wrath of some god wouldn't do a dent on you."  You suddenly hear Orochi's voice in your head, totally forgetting he lives there. You sighed before you saw the monsters started appearing. You immediately took out your weapon before you assisted him in his fight. You tried of thinking on healing someone, weren't sure if it actually work. You made C6 Zhongli style so that he don't get injured and heals.

You weren't sure if you actually do healing but Xiao seems to be doing well. In Xiao's  perspective, he wasn't expected that he would feel really fine, as if there's nothing could hurt him, actually reminded him of Rex Lapis so much. After you two finally managed to defeat all the monsters on the first platform, you immediately began to recall about the Starsnatcher.

"You know, I actually came looking for you because of a certain matter. He claimed himself to be an adeptus and called himself as Master of Stars, Starsnatcher." You stated before he suddenly carry you which make you a bit surprised before he hopped from the platform, to the other platform while carrying you.

"Starsnatcher? ...I am aware of no adeptus by such a name." He said while literally carrying you in his arms. You could feel your heart racing, trying your best to hold your inner fanboy inside. Xiao immediately took notice of your sudden pace of your heart as he turned to you. "Are you okay? Is the karma getting to you?" He asked in worry and it does not help you that Orochi messed with your minds, playing friends by Chase Atlantic out of all songs and out of all times.

"N-No. Nothing, just umm- afraid of heights." You lied before he stayed silent. He suddenly pulled you even closer to you which make you tried your hard not to screech the hell out of your life.

"Just hold on to me. I promise I won't let you fall." He said in such assurance before you wrapped your arms around his neck and hid your red face at the crook of his neck because this boy stole your heart as if it was nothing.

"Boy, he already fall. Fall for you." Orochi said as you internally cursed to him and yourself, telling him to shut up and stop with his sudden nonsense. "Heh no so just deal with it." You just cursed to yourself once more before you felt Xiao putting you down on the ground.

You immediately let go of him before you cleared your throats and immediately gave him a shield to let him continue his fight while you try to calm yourself down by kicking the hilichurls around with your legs being embedded with Cryo.

It only took a few minutes and you managed to calm yourself down before Xiao took off his mask, revealing that pretty face of his. You can't help but got entranced by his look for a moment before he started to speak. "It is good that we came here. An unusual number of living things had fallen under infernal influence. Had we not arrived in good time, the consequences would have been unthinkable. Now. This "Starsnatcher" you speak of. What is the situation?" He asked as you explained the whole thing that you remember about him.

After you explained the whole story, he was frowning the whole time as he tried to summarize it. "An adeptus who grants wishes... To think that people could be so easily deceived by such blatant lies..." He said in disappointment.

"Well, what's human without stupid in them? Anyways, that fake bi- I mean adeptus has a Sigil of Permission. He used that to exorcise the demons, though Chongyun would've done better than him." You mumbled the last part out since he do not need to know about that.

"Wait, truly? Hmph. Fool. Exorcizing demons without exterminating them — it is no wonder they have been congregating here. If this continues, things may spiral out of even my control... We must confiscate his Sigil of Permission." He said as you nodded in agreement.

"I think I'd also like to teach him a lesson for trying to trick me and my friends. With you being the real adeptus to teach him a lesson, you can bet he'll never dare to pose as an adeptus ever again. Clarification, I do not ask you to kill him, just teaching him." You said as he fell into silence, trying to consider if he should or not before reaching to his conclusion.

"It would certainly benefit Liyue if we could convince him to cease his wicked ways. I possess an art called Dream Trawler. It is normally used to separate the soul from the body, that one might cultivate oneself in a waking dream... But it can also be used to call forth the spirits of others." Now that you heard this, you wonder if Hu Tao learned from Xiao on how to call forth the spirits but you shouldn't ask him about that.

He began to list out what items that he needed for the ritual and told you where you could find it and to meet him at the yaksha statues nightfall before bringing you back out with him, carrying you in his arm for the second time of the day. You parted with him before letting out a sigh and hid your face with your hands and scream like a dying squirrel. "God forbid me saying his name ore else he will hear me." You said as you touched the grass as if it will help your blush go away.

You let out another sigh before you saw Astra, Cora, Aether, Paimon and Osial blissfully taking a nap underneath a tree. You headed towards them and lightly woke them up since it's too dangerous for them to sleep outside without anyone guarding and suggested them to take a nap at Wangshu Inn.


Author Note:

I offer you Orochi fanart in two version since I finally got an idea how to design him but I could only say that his hairstyle is not permanent.

I offer you Orochi fanart in two version since I finally got an idea how to design him but I could only say that his hairstyle is not permanent

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And yes this is the guy that Y/N refused to bang despite the big tiddies and practically has no shirt on

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And yes this is the guy that Y/N refused to bang despite the big tiddies and practically has no shirt on. Anyways, I hope you have a good day and enjoy this chapter.

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