𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅....

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You returned back to the Northland Bank to see Osial smiling widely while Aether was glaring at him. The aura that surrounded them were... heavy. "What happened?" You asked them as Paimon immediately disappeared in front of your eyes.

"Ah, Young Master..."

They both said in unison before they both exchange look and glared at each other. They whispered something with each other before looking at you.

You just flinched, wondering what happened. "Say, Young Master, how come are you so close with that... ginger haired boy? Perhaps were you dating with him?" He asked as you fell into silence and looked at them in confusion.

"No...?" You answered as they slowly approaching towards you. Why do you feel like a prey in predator's lair?

"So... why were you kissing him? It's definitely didn't look like you were forced to and friendly one." Ah... They saw it... You don't really know how to answer. You just sighed as you felt flustered that they saw you.

"Cause he's cute when he get flustered. Besides, if you want a kiss I could give them to you, sweeties. You guys are cute as well." You said before you realized what you just said as Aether's eyes lit up while Osial smirked.

Fuck... I accidentally said my thoughts out.

"My, my. You become more and more bolder, Young Master. I wondered where did you learn to be bold like that. Back then, you were- no, that's story for another time when it's just the two of us." Osial said as Aether glared at him.

"There you go again, just what kind of relationship that you two have? And who are you anyway?" He questioned as Osial was about to say a word before you covered his mouth.

"Not a word coming from you. You're just going to complicate things. This is Alastair aka Overlord of Vortex, Osial. He's my old friend..." Aether raised his eyebrows as he glanced at Osial.

He doesn't trust Osial but yet, he too can't sense any ill intentions coming from him at all. You felt something wet on your glove before you immediately retracted your hand.

You turned to Osial who looks smug with his tongue out. "You bastard, you lick my gloves. Now, it's all wet and disgusting. Fuck you for this." You said as you took off your gloves as it disappears right in front of you.

"Ah yes, please do fuck me with your body, Young Master." This is literally torturing you and you did not signed up for this. Aether began to take his sword as he gave Osial a menacing smile.

"The only thing that would be fucking you right now is this sword in your ass." He said as you stopped him from murdering Osial.

"Woah, woah, woah! Stay calm for a sec." You said as Osial just stick his tongue out. You should've expected this since Aether is a literal yandere and the only reason why he hadn't commited mass murder was because you managed to keep him under control.

"This is really going to be troublesome. Anyways, this guy will be joining in our adventure team. Simply because I'm trying to find out what sort of past I had here." You said as Aether frowned.

He was going to protest but he knew how your past on finding your story here was as important as finding his sister. "Alright.... fine. He could join us." Aether sulked as you smiled widely before you kissed his cheeks.

He was surprised before holding his cheeks as he blushed and saw you smile widely. Osial was surprised to see a smile coming from you as he averted his eyes away.

"Ugh, Paimon is going to be watching this whole love triangle thing now." She said in irratation as you chuckled nervously.

"You know, you lovebirds do what you want. Paimon's leaving. Just so you know, we should be attending the Rite of Parting now." She said as she vanished in a thin air.

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