"𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚" 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆

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[A/N: To avoid confusion, this happen after Stargazing and a Wish in Addicted but Scenarios. Check them out to get a bit of context]

You found yourself wandering in a field full of glaze lilies which confused you because you remembered that you were hugging with Aether. You have a bit uneasy feeling about this even though this might be a dream. You walked further in before you saw what supposed to be 3 Yaksha and Guizhong stood in front of you.

"Umm... Yeah, I think this is supposed to be Xiao's dream not mine..." You said to yourself before Guizhong looked at you in apologetic.

"I'm sorry for suddenly calling you out like this." You looked at her in shock before looking around but there's no one else but just to make sure. But her voice sound so familiar as if you grew up with her for a long time.

"Wait, you talking to me?" You asked her as she nodded. The Yakshas just stared at you while she approached to you before caressing your cheek, looking at you lovingly. It made you feel warm and familiar...

"I'm glad that you are doing okay after two months staying here. I thought that you might ended up crying like how you were when you were a child, asking to be take back." She said before you saw a flash of your sister's face. You could feel your eyes forming tears as she smiled. "Don't look at me like that, it's ugly. Consider getting yourself a beauty sleep because you looked miserable."

You just pushed her away before you wiped your eyes with your sleeves. "Shut up, you're much more uglier than me." She definitely your sister, alright. You could hear her chuckle as you just sigh.

"You know, I'm quite glad that Teyvat treated you well. I had a second thought bringing you here." She said as you completely forgetting that she was supposed to be Guizhong before you looked at her in confusion.

"Wait, wait. How come are you Guizhong?" You asked her as she looked at the sky.

"Because I was her. I was Guizhong. That was before I died during Archon war and reincarnated to another world. I was lucky that I get to reincarnated with Havria and you. Though, I am really surprised that the world we got reincarnated make Teyvat as a game and seems to be accurate enough." She paused for a moment. "I wish I could see Morax again but the depressing part is I'm still in my ghost form, he can't see me and mostly likely passed my voice as his imagination. What a tragedy." She said, though she sounded a bit calm about whole thing.

You were expecting Guizhong to be more kinder and elegant not an abomination like your sister. "Hey! I can hear you when you say my name here, y'know? That's how it work for Teyvat for gods. Saying their names, they will hear it. Along with adepti. We're going off topic here, I ought you want some intel about your... family but in return, you'll have to do something for me." She said as you looked at her in interested.

"You want me to say to Zhongli that you still in love him and want to marry him?" You asked her as she shook her head.

"I am not a degenerate like you but rather take care of Morax and Xiao. They lost too much people in their life and I feel bad. I just want them to cherish the memory. Maybe have a lunch with Cloud Retainer and Morax, share the Osmanthus wine with them or something." She said before you frowned.

"Not the Osmanthus wine please. I am sort of sick of him saying that line but at the same time not. But I can take care of them if that what's you want me to do so please tell me about my 'biological' family." She sighed.

"Orochi probably tell you that the truth is I was the one who sealed him away at the middle of the war just so I could stop the whole war but however, your family is feeding you fabricated lies except for your brother. We don't talk about him and you'll learn why. Your true family as I fear, they might try to manipulate you once you regain your full strength. My warning as your big sister, don't ever trust the Villarreal family. You probably could trust Osial. Andrius, few people just not your family. Got it?" She asked as you stayed silent.

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