𝑻𝒐𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏...

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"Oh come on! That's too little. Give it higher or I'm not doing it." Tic raged as you began to step in.

"Apologies, my friend here never done a bargain before. How about... 12,000 Mora?" You asked which scared the hell out of him because he didn't see you at all.

"Oh god- Where did you even come from? You gave me a heart attack." He said as he put his hand on his chest. You scratched your head and was quite confused on how come he never saw you at all.

"Ah... Sorry for scaring you. I guess you never noticed me standing next to them the whole time." You said as he shook his head. You found it strange how he never saw and you were slightly taller than Aether.

"No... I apologize never took notice that you were there. 15,000 Mora, you say? Let me think... Deal. The price is reasonable. I'll hop into it right away." He said as your face lit up.

"Ah! Thank you and here's the payment." You gave him a bag of 15,000 Mora and he began to start working.

You sighed in relief that you managed to save the bargain as you glanced at Aether who seems to be quite nervous. "That was a close call... Aether, you are really bad at bargaining." You commented as Aether felt a knife stabbed at his heart.

"Please, don't mention it. Usually my sister do it for me. Y/N, can you do the bargain instead?" Aether asked as you turned to him as you sighed. You guys almost lost a bargain with Tic.

"... Well, I guess I'll do it then..." You said and you really hated that you have to speak ever so politely. You headed to the next person called Tac. You spotted him standing around before went towards him.

"Excuse me, sir. We would like to hire you to do a few jobs at Yujing Terrace." You approached to him as he smiled widely.

"A full day of odd jobs at Yujing Terrace? Hmm... No problem. 25,000 per day. A fair trade, yes?" He asked as Paimon looked at him in surprised.

"Whoa, that's expensiv-"

"How about 18,000 Mora, my kind sir?" You cut Paimon's sentence with your proposal.

"This is... too little. I'd consider it if it was a bit higher. How about 21,000 Mora?" He asked as you thought for a while as you looked through the amount that you have left.

"... Make it 19,500, please?" You asked as he thought for a while.

"Hmm.... This price'll do. No loss to me for a day's work." You smiled widely as Paimon looked at you in impressed.

"You seem like you've done this a lot of time." Paimon stated as you have a war flashback whenever you go to a market and failing all the times.

"Definitely... Anyways, let's go to the next person." You said as you went around to find someone named Toe.

It took you a while to find him but you finally found him. "Hello, my good sir! We would like to hire you to do a job for us." You said as he turned to you guys.

"Hiring help? Sure, but let me just say first that I'm a reserve member of the Adventures' Guild. I take adventuring commissions, but I don't do anything clerical." He said as Zhongli thought for a while.

"Adventure... venturing into the mountains to capture a few crystalflies seems adventurous enough." He said as Aether nodded.

"Brave adventurer, we have need of 5 crystalflies." Aether said as he looked in surprised.

"Eh? That's not hard, almost a bit too easy for a reserve adventurer... Eh, never mind. I'll only charge you 15,000 Mora. What say you?" You thought for awhile about this.

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