𝑹𝒆𝒅 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒓, 𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑫𝒐𝒐𝒓, 𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝑴𝒆 𝑴𝒚 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕

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(Warning: Includes depiction of bloods and gory stuff. Also might not make sense at all because I wrote this in the very early morning.)

You watched Orochi being stabbed right in front of you while the mask person opened up his mask and you could hear him scream. "Say, do you remember me, Y/N~" The eerily playful voice began to talk to you as Orochi tried to push him off.

You were frozen in place to say anything or do anything. This was all too familiar. The situation, even the person that was stabbing looks very much someone you would see everyday. You didn't respond him before you could tell that the aura came from him changed.

"You didn't forget me, did you?" His voice began to drop as Orochi glared at the guy before pushing far away from him. "You were the one who cut my mouth ruthlessly, you cut off all my limbs without killing me, you were the one who took everything away from me." You looked at him in disbelief before you heard Orochi chuckled.

"Oh my god, she really wanted you to be dead. Even though, I was the one doing these dirty works." Orochi grabbed the person that tried to kill you before crushing his skulls to the point, his head were crushed to dusts while his body flopped right in front of you.

You looked at the body in horror before heading towards Orochi. "That's disgusting..." Orochi turned to you with his eyebrows raised.

"Hmm... You are not mad at me for killing this guy? Or know that I did that kind of torturing?" He asked as you stayed silence.

"I don't know... Part of me said that he actually deserve that." You stated as he stared at your eyes who seems to slowly become lifeless. "By the way... Didn't you just got stabbed?" You turned to him who completely heal.

He held the place where the stab was before turning to you. "Well, I'm a demon so healing isn't problem but I'm not really actually in here. Currently, I'm taking over your body to guide you out. I can't have you die now. Not until I get my own body that is..." He stated as you thought for awhile.

"...Is this like that mind game..?" You asked as he nodded while you guys walked around to find the door.

"Yes and each door will unlock your memory from the past. White door was the door of your last moment before well, me being stuck in your body. Purple door was the room full of clocks with the person tied up at the middle, related to the guy I just killed was the one who made you lose your own sanity." Hearing that doesn't surprised you but it brought you some sort of pain.

"Wait... How was his face looked like again...?" You thought as you looked behind but there were only a headless body with blood everywhere.

"What's wrong?" Orochi asked as you sighed and shook your head.

"Nothing... Probably just some memory." You continued walking around the place before you noticed a torn paper. You tried to read it the writing before you saw blood starting to drip on it out of nowhere before you began to see a vision from the past.

You were holding close someone so closely as they died in your arms with a smile on their face but strangely no tears or sign of mourning over their death yet you still feel regret and pure sadness. Their face was not clear enough for you to know who was it.

You felt a pat on your shoulder before two doors appeared in front of your eyes. One was orange door which was somehow make you hungry while then you have a google logo door and you could only feel disappointment and fear from it.

"Why is there even a google logo door? Do you think if we went in there, we can search our way out?" Orochi asked as you shook your head.

"You'll be disappointed, let's enter the orange door." He opened the door for you before you were shocked to see an old lady was looking at you in the eyes. He immediately shut the door tightly before you heard the old lady hysterically screaming and banging on the door. He dragged you to the google door before you were greeted with bunch of faceless dude wearing suits. "....I sometimes wish they are as tall as Slenderman."

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