𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒕 𝒂 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌

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You two took care of the bunch of troublesome hilichurls around and found the invoice after few minutes of trying to find it. As you two make your way back to Liyue Harbor, you didn't expect Ganyu to suddenly look a bit anxious, and seems like something bothering her. "Ganyu, is there something troubling you?" She flinched for a moment, looking quite flustered if you had to say yourself.

"Ah! Umm... No, it's nothing." She said hesitantly not even looking at you which confused you. You just stared at her, hoping it managed to pressure her to tell you the truth which of course it did. "Okay, okay... To tell you the truth, I wondered why you let off the Fatui. Many would beat them up without considering their situation or anything... I'm sure you had some hatred towards the Fatui." She stated as you thought for a while.

To be honest, you were too much of a simp to look past their (referring to Harbingers) actions so you really don't feel hatred towards them. "No... I guess you could say I pity them with their lives and impress they managed to be fully devoted to Tsaritsa despite the number of dirty works they had to go through. I just hope that they have a peaceful life once more." You said as she thought for a moment that you said. She never really thought much about Snezhnaya or questions anything about it.

She's impressed, to say the least. She was fascinated by how you tried to think the best of people but really you had such bias opinions from the start. "Anyways, we should get back to Huixin and report to her about this, and maybe after we can go out for a stroll or something?" You ended with an offer, hoping she said yes before she thought for a moment and nodded.

"Sure, I guess, I'll take that offer." She smiled widely as your inner self cheered happily. Strangely enough, the chaotic thoughts of yours in your head going around, helping Ganyu out and defeating the hilichurls... Maybe it won't hurt for you to return back and press on to go back to Mondstadt to meet Dainsleif before going to Inazuma but at the same time... You aren't ready to face Lumine yet.

Your head had been hearing her voice whenever Yves name come up which made you wondered why but well... The truth will reveal sooner or later so maybe things slowly come to reveal but thinking about Osial, Corazon, Astra, and Orochi are making your head hurts. It's like something trying to make you stop thinking about them. You shook your head, trying to push out the uneasiness at the moment and make your way back to Liyue Harbor with Ganyu next to you.


You ended up going around, following Ganyu and Huixin without uttering a word while the crime was being exposed which you had to say, it was interesting to watch. If only you were accompanied by some popcorn would be nice. You silently let out a yawn before you heard Huixin said, "Then... let me treat you to a meal, hmm? Y/N is invited as well. I appreciate your help!" Your eyes immediately lit up but you forgot you were supposed to keep your cool.

"I really don't mind. Having a meal does sound nice." You said calmly, hoping your enthusiasm towards food isn't noticeable and not that you have been bored to the point food can entertain you. Of course, your sudden shift of mood was noticed by Ganyu which made her smile and immediately accept Huixin's offer. 

"Actually, I've already booked Xinyue Kiosk. I need a moment to prepare everything first. Let's meet there in a while!" She said as you two nodded while watching her off going somewhere. The moment you looked at Ganyu, you didn't expect to make direct eye contact. Not sure why it has become a reflex for you to immediately avert your eyes.

"Y/N... Um, do you mind if I ask you a question?" She asked as you looked at her, wondering what would she ask. "Well... I can't help but wonder, why have you had that Seelie next to you?" You gave her a confused look before you felt something brushing against your neck which made you jump. A color you really didn't expect to see if you had to be honest. It was white as snow and definitely gave you a familiar sense with an icy touch towards it. It is also in a normal Seelie form in which you would have to follow to earn the treasure, not the mini one.

You stayed silent for a moment before holding it into your hand as you find it really cute. "I guess this one follows me and I didn't notice." You said as you poked it while it just nuzzled against your touch.

Ganyu, however, was dumbfounded for a moment. She knew that Mini Seelie usually would follow whoever they want and adopt them but that kind of Seelie that stuck on you usually seek their own court but not, stick to someone. Though, the sight of you smiling widely and chuckling had made her wish that she was accustomed to human's social life to be able to make you feel comfortable.

Maybe it was wishful of her to think that maybe you would come by again to see her after this whole day over. You let go of the Seelie before it positioned itself back to your shoulder before you turned to Ganyu and smiled. "We should go, don't want to make Huixin wait now, do we?" You asked as she immediately nodded, forgetting the reason why they were here given she was a bit distracted by the fact that the Seelie was resting on your shoulder before turning invisible.

"Ah... right. Well, we should make haste." She said as you two made your way to Xinyue Kiosk.


After that dinner you had and the conversation you had to hear, you too, ended up going to accompany Ganyu back to the Qixing just for her to see if she was truly being replaced and she was, of course pleasantly surprised that people here still needed her to be there for them. She began to take charge of the work she had left behind before turning to you. "I'd like to earnestly thank you, Y/N. If it weren't for your companionship, I would still be embroiled in my inner conflict right now and I know, you probably didn't enjoy much during this journey." She said as you looked at her in shock and shook your head.

"No, no, no. I really do enjoy being around you. Especially during our time on Mount. Aocang it just that, I guess that when you talked to Huixin, I can't help but feel left out, I supposed." You said nervously because you weren't sure what to word it. She was again surprised by your words and thought to herself that maybe she might've also misinterpreted your view towards her.

She chuckled to herself, realizing that how silly of her but she was glad that you enjoy being around her. "To think that I'd gain a human friend outside of work. It makes me happier than I could've imagined. I'd like to repay you when I'm done with the work at hand. What would you say if I... accompanied you on one of your trips?" She asked as you thought for a moment and nodded.

"Sure, I would love to have you on my trips. Speaking of which, I might come and bother you from time to time whenever I ran to some unconventional problems if you do not mind." You asked as she immediately nodded.

"I'm happy to. I hope we can see each other often. Well, I have to get back to work now... I'll see you later." She said as you waved her goodbye and watched her leave. The feeling of emptiness set in, wishing that you could've stopped her or maybe hoping you ran into another character but you almost forgot about somethinh.

You had to remind yourself that you have been transported to this world and you had a past connected here. You know the story yet you don't since there are times that the story went a bit haywire and you didn't even know that it would happen. Mondstadt's dance for example and where the moonlight shows these red strings on your body. You had to approach this whole situation carefully from now on.

Osial, Corazon, Astra and Orochi. As strange as it is, you suspected why you managed to stick next to them for so long because you had shared a connection that you might not even remember. Ganyu suddenly pointed out a Seelie next to you so... You should follow it to see where it leads.

You might return to Aether a bit late but you still need to uncover your connection to this world before you could continue on. Seelies are purely being made out of wisdom, there's not a chance it would lie. No more coming from two different people, this is the truth that is pure so you might as well give it a try.

"Alright, lead me the way, little one." You said as the white Seelie began to appear and immediately lead you out of Liyue Harbor to somewhere unknown.


Author Note:

Hello, it's been 5 days since I have updated this book. Idk about you guys but 5 days seems too long for me but I managed to get some inspiration to finish this chapter and I know it might look a bit scuff here, I'll try to edit it whenever I have time or remember to. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day and I probably update tomorrow :D

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