𝑬𝒙𝒄𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑰'𝒎 𝒕𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒂 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆

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You immediately fell down to the ground and let out a sigh. It's been years you have laid down on the grass while staring at the sky. The wind around here does feel quite nice here.

You saw that Zhongli took a seat next to where you laid down on the corner of your eyes. "Oh, you're not going to Yujing's Terrace, yet?" You asked him.

"No... I thought it wouldn't do a harm to stay here for awhile and accompany you while you resting. It's quite dangerous after all to let your guard down around these parts." Zhongli said with such a calming voice that put your head in peace.

"True, though. I could handle it pretty well." You said as you gazed on the blue skies. A question popped out on your head as you turned to him. "Say, Zhongli... Do you mind if I asked you a question?" You asked as he turned to you with your eyes filled with curiosity.

"Sure, go ahead." Zhongli said, wondering what question that you might ask.

"I just couldn't help but wonder this, what material does Mora made out of? At first glance, one might think it's gold but it doesn't seem to be gold at all." Zhongli was quite surprised by your statement but quite interested by your take.

"Oh? Why is that?" He questioned as you took out the Mora and used your Geo power to detect what type of element did it fall but it really did not feel like a gold.

"I don't know, it just don't feel like it as gold at all..." You said as you kept it back in your inventory by tossing it in the air. Zhongli smiled as he took out a Mora or more like created the Mora from his palm as he looked at the Mora closely.

"Well, Mora was made by a special material on Rex Lapis could create himself. This is to ensure that the Mora wasn't recreated somewhere else." You glanced at him and become quite interested to his explanation.

"To put in a simpler form and save the headache, it's a mixture of gold and iron. Easily form yet tough and can't be broken or melted easily." He said as you stared at your palm.

If you could recreate Mora, that would actually put your mind at ease. "I see... That is quite interesting." You muttered as he stared at you who was lying down on the grass seems to be quite happy with that smile of yours.

He couldn't help but admire your smile that he would never expected to see with that stone faced of yours that you wore every time.

You took notice of him staring at you as you glanced at him. "Is something the matter, Mr. Zhongli?" You asked, worried that if there were some bugs crawling or he is staring for the sake of admiring your beauty.

He just realized how long he has been staring as his cheeks brushed with light shade of pink that was barely noticeable. He cleared his throat as he looked away.

"Nothing... I apologized if I creeped you out with the staring. I just wondered where did you get that outfit of yours." He lied as you sat up and looked at your clothes.

"Paimon bought it for me." You answered him and you forgot that the majority of the outfit was white but it didn't seem to be dirty by the dirt at all.

"I see... Does your tips of hair and eye colors change frequently as well?" He questioned as he noticed that from light green it changed to amberish orange.

"Well, it mostly affected by what elemental I am resonating right now. Like few minutes ago, when I asked you about Mora, it triggered my Geo powers." You explained. You also just found this out recently during your stays at Wangshuu Inn by the commission that Hua'ian sent you to deal with the monsters near the inn.

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