𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏 𝑹𝒊𝒕𝒆, 𝒍𝒆𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒐! 𝑶𝒓... 𝑵𝒐𝒕.

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You and the others returned to inn as soon as possible just to be greeted by Paimon being almost cooked alive with Aether who had murderous intent towards Paimon which made you wondered what the hell did she say to him. "Aether, stop that... Anyways, we will be going to Liyue later but I need to stop by at Wangshu Inn." You said as Aether took Paimon and whispered something in the lines of 'Don't tell'

"Wait, Y/N's who's that?" Paimon asked as she pointed at Corazon.

"Teeny Abyss Mage become big and Y/N turned him small back in order to not let him being forced to work." Astra explained as Paimon looked at him in surprised.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be speaking in Hilichurlian?" She asked as he began to tell the story of just how he began to speak so fluently and here you are feeling useless once more that you couldn't do something simple that is called reading.  "Wow it took him 3 days to be fluent in language while here we have a 4 million years old man who can't even read properly." Paimon said as you slowly looked away.

"I-I have my own reason, alright." You stuttered as Paimon raised her eyebrows with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah sure." Paimon simply stated before she let out a sigh. "Anyways, so do we have to get there by walking again since Astra and Cora haven't unlocked and know how to use the Teleport Waypoint yet, have they?" She asked as she turned to them before Cora sighed and looked at Paimon in disbelief.

"I think you forgot I share a trait of an Abyss Mage. I can teleport..." He disappeared before reappearing behind Paimon and grabbed her head. "Whenever I want." He smiled as Paimon shrieked.

"AAHHHH, LET GO OF PAIMON! PAIMON" She screamed as she tried to free herself while Cora just laughed evilly before you and Aether watched. "PAIMON DOES NOT HESITATE TO STAB YOU WITH A KNIFE." She suddenly took out a knife as Cora just smirked.

"Can you even reach?" Cora asked as Paimon struggled but her hands are too small before she huffed.

"Two emergency foods trying to kill each other..." You and Aether said simultaneously before Cora immediately let her go and turned to you two.

"Wait no- Why am I in the emergency food group?" He asked as he gave a fearful look as Paimon just snickered while Osial and Astra looked at you two in concerned.

"Are they seriously gonna eat Paimon and Cora?" Astra asked in whisper as Osial shrugged as you cleared throat.

"Anyways, let's make our way to Wangshu Inn or rather the entrance of the inn." Aether was going to ask you why but was interrupted by you grabbed Astra's hand and teleported away. Aether sighed before teleported along with the others.


The moment you arrived, you saw hilichurls trying to kill each other off, giving off a very dark energy which made you realized that this was the first act for Xiao story quest. "Hey, is it just Paimon or is there something weird about those hilichurls over there." You heard Paimon voice behind you.

"....They are unusually agitated...." Astra looked at them in concerned. You glanced at him worried about him before Paimon nodded in agreement.

"Right! Maybe it has something to do with that sorta... dark energy they're giving off?" Paimon questioned.

"We should take them out, it's really close with Wangshu Inn. The guests are in great danger if we don't do something." Aether said as Astra sighed as he looked at the hilichurls in sympathy before killing them off. Osial just sucked in a few of them like a vacuum, Aether summoned a tornado to fly away, Cora literally attacked like an Abyss Mage while you just stand there and didn't act fast enough and you just leave it up to them.

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