𝑨 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑳𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒅

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You guys ended up walking your way to the plaza in front of the Cathedral. Even after spending so much time here, collecting Anemoculous and Geoculous, you are still getting tired from all the walking, running and climbing on stairs. It's even more ironic by the fact that climbing walls are less tiring than stairs.

"Y/N, do you want to take a rest?" Aether was concerned since you were struggling a bit to catch your own breath. You gestured to him that it was fine and blamed yourself for not going outside ever so often after the pandemic ended. You also don't have to embarrass yourself for not being able to swim at all.

Eula had to part ways for a moment and told you to meet her there as she had to report to Jean about her recent findings about the Fatui. "You don't have to overwork yourself, Y/N. Paimon's worried you would fall sick. After all, not only did you recently discover memories of your past here, but you also had Orochi's living in your head, no? Paimon could only imagine the mental fatigue that it has on you would be huge." Paimon advised as you gave her a soft smile.

The thought of you sitting still while watching the whole scene played doesn't feel right. Especially when you knew you could've changed. If you could change just a tiny detail of things that bothered you or frustrated you, that's enough for you to feel happy. "You don't have to worry about it, Paimon. In fact, I feel much lighter learning about my past." You blatantly lied but you decided to give up on the past.

You heard someone approach you guys and it wasn't a surprise for you to see the Spindrift Knight standing in front of you. "Ah, you've finally arrived. There's no time to spare, so we'll begin with our first lesson..." She was going straight to the point before Paimon stopped her, wanting to clear something up. You listened to their conversation that you had probably listened to thousands of times since you were insistent on making a new account after finishing everything on the last account.

Their voices tuned out when Orochi decided to pop into your head. "That tentacle bastard is very insistent for me to send you this message to you and he says he is doing well and he hopes you have a great day today and he missed hanging out with you guys. That's all, bye." And just like that, he disappeared. You could only wonder what this demon was doing.

Though Osial's message did make you feel at ease that he's fine. You sort of miss his presence for once. You also wonder what had happened to Astra and Corazon. It's almost yesterday you felt like you just met them. "You mean you always have to talk this way!?" You heard Aether exclaim which made you snap out of your thoughts.

Eula had only stated that it was only the first step of greeting and had yet to show how to exchange courtesies while Paimon pointed out how it was too abstract and how they needed a real-life demonstration. That only reminded you how Eula has always been shunned by the citizen for being a part of a family she didn't ask to be born in. 

You were contemplating if you should interfere but even if you do, you weren't sure what you were going to do next or what to say. It may be a bit painful to watch the whole scene but you have to endure it. This would give Aether and Paimon a bit of understanding of why she's the way she is and you really wanted them to get along with her.

You said you were gonna watch but sometimes you just wanna close your eyes and put the whole world on mute because it felt so... awkward if that was the right word for you to watch it. After talking to the third person and before Eula could find another one, Paimon began to stop her, saying she'd seen enough and apologized for even asking for a demonstration after watching how she was treated by people.

She explained how this was the norm for her to which Paimon and Aether began to sympathize with her life. "Don't worry, what with me being a Knight of Favonius, they're usually willing to speak a few words with me. Perhaps my aristocratic manner of speech provoked them today. Believe me, it's not a big issue." She stated, trying to pass it off.

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