A Prince's Meeting

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You let out a sigh, after eating some more soup and medicine prepared by Iris, you finally could take a walk around but not too far from the camp since your body is fairly weak. You stared at the back of your hand, the primordial tattoo is engraved on your hand but unlike the colour gold that it was originally it was sort of faded to black. Your head felt a bit heavy as if you heard a bunch of whispers.

You clearly know it wasn't Orochi that was speaking, it was somebody else's voice. Though you did not know who, you clearly felt that you are in quite a trouble if you gave in to the voices. It's a shame you didn't get to go to watch Eula's story quest in the end. You really wanted to punch Schubert's face but well, fate is against that idea.

Clearly, you don't have anything else to entertain you so you took the liberty to experiment with cooking with elements infused into the dishes. You could only think of what Pyro and Cryo infusion taste supposed to be. Anemo sounds a bit unpleasant if you infused it with a spicy dish to have an airy feel in your throat.

You ended up eating some dishes and made some extras for Aether and Paimon to eat. Your body felt lighter from the dishes you made which makes you feel energetic to do something. You were going to leave and thinking of going to the city and probably going back to the inn that you originally lived in but you don't want to make Aether worried that you had wandered off somewhere so instead you asked Iris if there was anything you could do on camp.

"Y/N, you are not well enough to do any chores. Your body temperature is still way too hot and you should really take a rest." Iris advised, genuinely concerned for your health but you let out a sigh.

"I'm bored and I need to do something at least. I don't like being confined to the tent while I mindlessly do nothing but stare." You stated but if you were to think about it, this would be the last thing you would've said in the past. Iris insisted that you take another nap for your own body's sake while waiting for Aether and Paimon to return but you were too impatient for it.

In the end, she gave you a simple task which was clearing the Fatui camp nearby. And so you did, you set off with a sword in your hand. You want to create your own move, but then again, you are uncreative given that you've been copying others' skills or bursts. You had such unique abilities to use Seven Elements though the ones that you had yet to come in contact with the Statue are going to take so much of your stamina before thought to yourself, what if you just alter the elements?

You tried to create a shield made out of Anemo around you which works since you had grasped the idea of how to create a shield from having obtained the geo ability, before thinking of creating one that if someone attacks you, your shield would let out a wave of attack towards the enemy.

It took you an hour to successfully created such an ability but you have yet to take care of the camp due to your trials of trying to make it work. Your body felt heavy, probably because you overexerted yourself especially when you are in such a condition. You heard the laughter from the Pyro Gunslinger, The Hydrogunner and the Cryogunner seeing how weak you were.

Your body felt if you continue to fight against them, you are definitely gonna collapse despite you not having the mental fatigue for it. You took a deep breath and ended up doing Kazuha's skill to swirl their shield to break it which did but your body is too exhausted to take care of them before you heard a familiar voice.

"This is too dangerous for you. I'll take over from here." A soft voice before a familiar flower was on the ground before geo crystal surged and burst forth, followed by seven blossoms bursting violently which ultimately take them out. You were stunned and filled with excitement, knowing who exactly was it.

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