𝑫𝒊𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒍𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏 𝑹𝒊𝒕𝒆?

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After leaving, Orochi with his mess alone you let out a sigh. Making sure he listened to you took so much energy and you're just going to pretend that hasn't happen . Now that your mind is much more clearer without him disrupting, you decided to have a walk around Liyue for the sake to calm yourself down. Though, it really is a shame that you did not get any interaction from any other Liyue characters other than Xiao also the bonus talk with Kaeya.

Or so you thought.

While walking around, there you saw Childe, a Fatui Harbinger opening what it seems a toy stall which bewildered you. Was this even in the game?  You wondered but the toys in question is some Ruin Guard merchandise. You thought why not you visited his stall and took a look at the Ruin Guard stuffed toys. "I never knew you sold an actual toys." You stated before looking at him.

"Comrade! Long time no see! Well, you see for today, I am being the best toy seller in the whole world." The word toy seller reminded of the times you had to babysit his brother but he no need to know about it. You are rather curious though if these were selling since you doubt that these would appeal anyone but Teucer or the Genshin Impact players. You had to admit that this is pretty cute and in fact you have one back on Earth as your second merch other than Baron Bunny doll.

"So have anyone bought it?" You asked before he stayed silent. "I take it as a no then." He sighed before he pouted.

"I knew doing this would be hard but I wanted to try. Maybe I really could quit and make my own toys like I said to him I would." He said in remembrance before he shook his head. "Anyways, you seems interested in these. Would you like to buy some, Comrade?" He asked as you nodded.

"Let me have this one that I'm holding. How much is it?" You asked as you went through your phone to withdraw some Mora and you were not expecting to see 90 million in your wallet. You were so used to seeing 50 mora or heck even 0 mora on daily basis.

"It will be 500 Mora." You didn't expected it to be that cheap but you'll pay for it anyway. You handed it to him. "Pleasure doing business with you, Y/N! By the way, after this business thing over, can we have a duel later?" You just stared at him before smiling.

"Sure, if I'm not caught up in some sort of tro-" Before you could finish your sentence, you heard a familiar voice shouting across the road.

"You Fatui scum! If you want to sell some normal toys, at least pay for the rent!" You just blinked in disbelief before he flinched and immediately carry the whole stall.

"I'll talk to you later! If you want to duel with me just wait for me in Northland Bank." He ran off while carrying the whole stall as you watched him in speechlessness. Shouldn't he be able to afford to pay the rent? Like he is rich, right? You wondered before you felt somebody pat your shoulder and panting.

There you saw Keqing seems to be tired before the Millelith that followed her began to ask her if they should pursue him or not. "Yes and make sure he pay that goddamn rent." She ordered and the Millelith began to chase him as you turned to him.

"You good? Do you want a drink?" You asked as you handed her a bottle of water that you had in your inventory. She took it from your hand and drank the whole bottle and handed it to you.

"Thank you and I'm sorry I can't talk to you any longer. I need to chase him down." She said before she ran off. You still in shock and confusion but you had to admit it was pretty funny to watch. If only they made this as the real Lantern Rite scene. You kept the Ruin Guard stuffed toys you bought from Childe and kept walking that was before you saw Xiangling and her father at their restaurant.

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