𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆 𝒂 𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑺𝒕𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒉

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You let out a sigh before standing up and took out your phone, wondering where you should you go first before you noticed an aura near you. You looked around for anyone before you saw Scara was on the shore. "You're still here?" You asked as he immediately flinched before looking at you. He seems really pale and you were guessing that being in that dream took huge toll on him.

"You..." He was in a really bad state and he knew that none of the Fatui Skirmisher would stand a chance against you. You looked at him for a while before you went through your phone to find any food for him to eat.

"Here. Have some Hashbrowns." You handed the food to him as he gave you a confused look. You wondered if he's going to take it or not since he's quite self-absorbent with himself and probably too egoistic to take the food from your hand. He looked away from the food before you crouched down to his level.

"Do you not like potatoes or too egoistic to take this kindness?" You asked before you heard a growling sound from Scara's stomach. His face turned red as he cursed internally and you probably gonna laugh at him or something. You let out a sigh before you put the plate next to him.

"What a child. It's not even poisoned so you don't have to worry. Here I'll eat one to prove you." You took one without even looking and ate it. "See. I'm fine so no need to be cautious. You better take it or else you gonna die in starvation." You stated as he clicked his tongue.

He gave in to his hunger and ate the hashbrowns but he wasn't expecting it to make him feel... warm and absolutely delicious. He was so used to being given half-assed cooked food but he doesn't get if you were that good at cooking to the point that you can't do bad cooking or you were just that kind to give him such food.

"Why would you help a villain? A Fatui even?" He asked, continued eating the food you gave him. You looked at him in the eyes before smiling.

"Because you are handsome, I guess." You said bluntly before his face immediately turned red which you absolutely find it very cute which couldn't help you let out a chuckle as he looked away. "Too forward?" You asked as he clicked his tongue.

"Why- What- You are literally like the fucking ginger idiot but worst." He huffed as you chuckled once more. You put your hand on his cheek before making him looking at you.

"Tell me then. How am I much more worst than Childe?" You asked which made his heart skipped a beat. He could see you were clearly trying to toy or tease him. If this a game you want to play with him, he had to defend himself somehow.

He grabbed your arm before pulling you closer. "Everything about you is really annoyingly interesting. Making me even more curious about you. You definitely not scared getting close to me even if I can kill you right at this moment. Make me really want to see that cute face of yours break into a pathetic one." You heard the crackling noise coming to his hand and you felt a slight electric shock on your arm that he held.

You smirked before you freed your arm from his grasp. "You know, the way you said you want my face break into a pathetic one... Are you tryna fuck me or something?" Your voice definitely became much deeper than it's originally and you were much... bolder in words.

Now that you pointed it out... It definitely does sound like he tried to get into your pants. Even though he didn't actually meant that, he couldn't help but blushed at your words. "Why you..." The electro that was on his hand immediately disappear. His Delusion is definitely not working when he's like this.

You burst out laughing before turning to him. "I was kidding. Like I said, you can never kill me. Even if you tried with all your best. Do you want me to help you returned back to wherever you supposed to go?" You asked him as he glared at you.

"I don't need your help bastard. I can get there by myself." He said as he tried to stand up but instead he fell to your arms.

"Mhm... You planning getting there by falling?" You asked as he could feel something inside him snapping.

"I- Ugh- Fine. Just don't tell anyone about this."  He said as he crossed his arms before you chuckled. "And... Just bring me to Northland Bank in Liyue." He stated as you took out your phone and held him close to you.

"Alright, then. Close your eyes unless you want to throw up." You warned him and he did as you said. He swore he heard some weird music playing before it was immediately replaced to the sound of people talking and children laughing. "You can open now." You told him as he opened his eyes and saw himself in Liyue with whatever was it behind him but it did look like the normal Teleport Waypoint that he was used to.

"Which way is Northland Bank again..." He turned to you, became even more curious about you on how you were be able to get around easily. At this point you can travel to Snezhnaya in just a few seconds if you wanted to. What made him more curious is the thing that you always have in your hand which was your phone.

It's some sort of your catalyst that be able to do everything with it. You basically can take out anything just by tapping it. As he was lost in thoughts, you suddenly held his hand before keeping your phone away, following the golden glitter that only you could see to navigate to Northland Bank.

Scara was surprised by it before he put his head down while following you. "O-oi. Can't you not hold my hand?" He asked as you turned to him with worried look on your face.

"What? You want me to carry you instead? You could barely walk on your own." You pointed at his legs, still wobbly probably from the exhaustion that dream took on him. He let out a sigh and wished that they gave this mission to Sandrone or Signora instead of him. Signora should be close to Liyue since her mission is mostly in Mondstadt but why does HE have to go all the way from Inazuma to Mondstadt from this.

Especially that he was pathetically being helped by the person he was supposed to kill. You suddenly stopped in front of the flight of stairs and turned to him. "You should get there by yourself. After all, you were the one who don't want to be seen by others." You stated as he let out a sigh and let go of your hands.

"Looks like I definitely owe you one... Later." He immediately left as you watched him leave before looking at the time. His thought is going to be full of you and tried to think a way of repaying you for this.

"I should really catch up with Diluc or not I have to the party somewhere else." You immediately teleported to Dawn Winery as he watched you disappeared before turning to Vlad who was overwhelmed by his presence.

"Can you hold this for me and don't ever let it go." He handed his hat to Vlad as Vlad nodded while he entered the Northland Bank. There he saw Childe, covered in blood as always before heading to Ekaterina.

"Call a boat for me to get back to Inazuma and also..." Scara began to tell her about something before she nodded. Childe looked at Scara in confusion in why he seems a bit more cheerful than he was before but he decided to shrug it off and went to collect the debt from other people.


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