𝑾𝒆 𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝑻𝒐𝒐 𝑬𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑰𝒕'𝒔 𝑶𝒌𝒂𝒚

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You opened your eyes and immediately became flustered. You immediately get off and cleared your throats while covering your face. "Oh god, I'm so sorry for bumping into you." You don't know why are you this flustered but you've been mentioned her for such a long time. The scarlet eyes girl gave you a smile.

"Aiya, you should watch where you are going or else who knows what happen when you trip." She pulled you up as you cleared your throats before sweeping off the nonexistent dust. You just noticed that there was someone next to her.

"Oh... Y/N, it's you. We meet again." Zhongli greeted you as you looked at him in surprised. How strange to see Zhongli hanging around with Hu Tao. Hu Tao turned to Zhongli for a moment before looking back to you.

"Wait, so this is the famous traveler? I heard you have a traveling partner so would you like to buy one get one free holder of the-"

"Director Hu, I believe it is too inappropriate to discuss such thing at this place and time. Plus, I trust that you've come here to experience the Lantern Rite?" Zhongli asked you, completely ignoring Hu Tao scolding him for not taking the business opportunity.

You found it a bit hard to answer when in this situation if you have to be honest. "Yes, I have come here for the Lantern Rite-" You were going to say that you were looking for Aether and the others but Hu Tao interrupted you with a huff and crossed her arms. "Umm... we can discuss about this... business deal later if you want... Miss." You forgot that you were not supposed to know her name.

Her eyes lit up as she grabbed both of your hands and looked very delighted. "Please, whenever you're free you can come by whenever to discuss about this." Zhongli just frowned and murmured something you didn't quite catch on. "Also my name is Hu Tao, the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Here have my business card so that you can contact me whenever." She introduced herself she slipped a wooden tile in your hand.

You can't read what's on the tile but you just smiled at her. "I- Umm... Thank you?" You looked up to see she's already running off.

"It's pleasure doing business with you and I'm going to find another customer." Zhongli just sighed and looked like he had given up on following her. You were confused, flustered but you do need this in case you are going to die for real from who knows what. You needed your grave to be grand so that you could visit it the next reincarnation you are getting.

"If it weren't for my lack of Mora, I would have quit my job... She asked me to come along and now she has abandoned me here. Anyways, while you're here, how about I teach you how to make yourself lanterns? I would love to take this opportunity to catch up with you after a month not seeing you." Zhongli invited as you were a bit surprised for a moment there and totally forgetting the fact you were supposed to search for Aether and the others.

"I guess, sure. Though, I feel like I should warn you that I am a very slow learner..." You said nervously before he intertwined his hand with yours which definitely make your heart skipped a beat and almost scream on top of your lungs.

"It's fine, I don't mind, now let us get some materials to create the Xiao lanterns." He said, wearing a smile on his face which you have to admit made you feel special even though now you think about it this is technically your sister's fiance or boyfriend. 

Is it selfish of you to enjoy this moment and have this feeling for him? You don't even know the answer for it but you couldn't help but indulge yourself a bit for this moment.

You two walked along the harbor, making your way to Wang'an while chatting with each other and listening to his story. There is Guizhong's spirit watching from above and smiled melancholy at the sight of you two.

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