𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒑𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒚𝒆𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒌

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"Are you sure you're okay?" Lumine asked once more as she stood right in front of Wangshu Inn. You nodded and only be able to smile at her. She still wear a worried look on her face as she sighed.

"Please... Take care of my brother for me. I have yet to fight with destiny and when I settled it, I'll return back to my brother." She said as you were even more worried for her.

"Me being one of the gods here really don't make any sense here and I can't explain why it doesn't make any sense but... the least I could say is, be careful." You warned her as you could hear whispers inside your head but you ignored it completely.

She looked at you as she turned away. "I will... Also please don't attack the Abyss Order and interrupt our plans." She said before she disappeared right in front of your eyes.

You didn't manage to say one more thing before you sighed. You can't simply do that and it might be the last of Teyvat. You should find out more about your true family and how did you ended up in another world.

You being here could not have been accident, could it?


"Y/N! You looked horrible. What happened?" Paimon immediately looked at you as you just realized that you looked like you just wrestle somebody in a muddy pond with blood.

Did this blood belong to me?

You wondered as you just sighed. "This is going to wash this all off..." You said as you looked at them who patiently waited for your answer. "As for what happened, to say the least I found a clue of my origin past but it didn't make sense for me to say the very least." You explained.

"Oh? Do you want to tell us about it?" Paimon asked you. You stayed silent as you thought for a while if it would affect much about the future.

"Actually, yeah... Basically..." You began to explain about your family being a god goes under the name Villarreal which used to own the power of the Seven before descended into the world as a punishment. Now you have voices residing your head, rent-free which quite annoying at some point.

You left out the part where your father's plan to overthrow Celestia, meeting up with Lumine and having a curse inside you in the first place.

"... Wait, so you're a god? But didn't you say you're from another world. So how...?" Paimon questioned you as you shrugged.

"I am not quite sure... The story didn't really made any sense for me either. With me being royalty and a god. I don't even know if I did actually have the powers like I was told to have." You said as you looked at your palms.

"Why don't we test them out and see?" Aether questioned as you turned to him.

"Excuse me...?" You are absolutely thrill by the idea of finding out your power but the question is where should you even test it out.

"Tomorrow, we'll try your power during our trip to Liyue on monsters that we could find." Aether suggested as Paimon looked at him in surprise.

"Hey, that's not a bad idea! But for now, I think you should take a shower and Paimon'll get you some clothes for you to wear later on. Right now, just wear clothes that you have on you." Paimon said as she disappeared.

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