𝑯𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒊𝒅 𝑰 𝒅𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕? 𝑰 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘

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You immediately ran there because you were hoping that you might catch Teucer without the need of the use of teleportation but... the moment you arrived, you already heard what Childe had given a speech to the Fatui's recruit but... he had to say such embarrassing way. " Who shall become redoubtable foes of Mr. Cyclops in the marketplace of Liyue..." My god, you felt the second-hand embarrassment just by his lines and you felt bad because you didn't get to cover for him.

As Paimon scolded Teucer in the background, you felt Childe's eyes laid on you, glaring at you. Probably want you to explain why is his brother here but he returned his gaze towards the recruits, trying to make it sound as reasonable as he could but ended up making a fool out of himself so he decided why not establish a fight. You just sighed as you watched him fight the whole crowd on his own.

You gave him credits for actually withstanding the Cryogunner Cryo Spray because it brings you physical pain whether in-game or in real life. Though, you still enjoying beating them up with your Crystal rains when you managed to break their shield. You watched him fight the whole crowd and noticed that his fighting style was improving than the previous fight back at the Golden House. It was more fluid and calmer. Like how water slowly flowing down the river which is quite interesting for you to watch. 

After the fight ended and he dismissed the recruits, he approached you three and gave you an angry smile. "Brother! You were amazing!" Teucer said with clear excitement while Childe patting his head.

"Oh, Teucer! What in the world are you doing here? There I was thinking that Y/N had taken you to play at Wangshu Inn, haha!" He glared at you while you just looked away. Paimon frowned and commented how terrible his acting was.

"It's not like it was my fault that he ran off the second I took my eyes off him." You huffed with your arms crossed. You glanced at him who definitely seems disappointed in you as if you did not try hard to look after his brother. "Also, Mr. Tortellini, I see you improved. Good job." You changed the subject which hit a nerve on him.

"It's Tartaglia-"

"I know but that your new nickname, Tortilla. Might as well use the 100+ nickname I have for you." You stated as he just sighed in defeat, had no time to argue with you but he does wonder if there's at least... One decent nickname. "Though, I do notice that you didn't go all out." He raised his eyebrows.

"By that, I assume you mean that I didn't use the Foul Legacy Transformation, yes?" He asked as you nodded.

"Yes, yes that big di- looking monster form. It's like twice your size and with that huge water spear... and cool-looking galactic cape with your hair up. Still wonder how you see through the mask." You rambled almost slipped up on your unnecessary comment about something that might make you really weird in his eyes or everyone's eyes.

He just chuckled at your comment before explaining the reason why he didn't use it and he is still injured by the previous fight with you. "Anyway, I'm no Signora — I don't use lethal force against recruits, come on now..." You do recall Signora has like a whip on her witch form so you wondered if Signora whipped her recruits to assert dominance or maybe just use her ice power.

"The Foul Legacy Transformation? Does it make you stronger than Mr. Cyclops?" Teucer suddenly interrupted your conversation with him. Forgetting that you have children here to take care of. You hummed in response which made Teucer even more excited. "I wanna learn to fight too. I wanna be cool like you!" He exclaimed which made you remember a random fact that Yanfei EN VA shares the same VA as Teucer.

Now that you've been hearing Teucer, you had forgotten how Yanfei's VA sounds like but you do remember that her VA actually fit with Yanfei overall. Now that your mind is distracted by trying to recall Yanfei's voice, Paimon just sighed at the sight of you zoning out what you could be thinking once more, somewhat waiting for you to say something to Teucer about how he wanted to fight so that he could protect his sister and something along bargaining with Childe to do his request.

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