𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕𝒔𝒆𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑻𝒆𝒖𝒄𝒆𝒓

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"What the..." Paimon skimmed through the documents which made you curious about what did Scara gave you. "Y/N, this whole documentations are for you to freely roam in Inazuma. Not only that you got a house there. Ohh... There's a note here, it says... Now I don't owe you anything... You made a Harbinger owe to you?" She asked as you were quite surprised, to say the least when you heard about this. Now, there's nothing noteworthy to make him owe you... What exactly did you do for him to give this again?

You just shrugged but you are not going to reject free stuff especially it will make your whole journey to Inazuma smoother. "Anyways, Teucer. Do you want to go to a toy store?" You asked him, giving him a smile as he nodded in excitement before you made your way to the famous toy store.

The moment you arrived, Teucer seems to be puzzled the moment his eyes laid on the kites. "Eh? What are those super-colorful winged things?" He questioned in which Paimon briefly explained to him about the kites. He began to take a closer look at the kites with him having to go on his tiptoes to see the kite on the table. 

Granny Shan began to give him a friendly smile as she greeted him, "Hello there, dear! You look like you've come a very long way. Let granny guess — from what you're wearing, I would say... Snezhnaya?" She questioned as Teucer giggled and nodded.

"That's right. How do you play with these kite things, Granny?" The old lady began to explain how kites are played in the simplest form which of course immediately got Teucer's interest in the kite. "Wow... that's amazing. Do you have any Mr. Cyclops ones?" He questioned which confused the Granny. "I wanna fly Mr. Cyclops high into the sky so all the kids can get to know him!" He smiled which made Granny Shan gave in.

"Well, I can do custom builds, but I'll need some amount of reference material..." You immediately took out your phone and opened your gallery to a cute chibi Ruin Guard picture.

"Here, this should be fine, right?" She inspected the picture before nodding. She warned you that the custom build is going to be expensive though, Childe gave you roughly 35k of Mora so you should settle. You were about to pay before Paimon tugged your shirt.

"Throwing money around willy-nilly is, y'know, kinda irresponsible..." Paimon whispered as you turned to her and smile mischievously, You told her what your plan was before she nodded in agreement. "Right, right. That would actually make us earned a lot of money." She stated before you paid the kites at full price.

"This price is fair. Well then, I'll get that custom order done for you." Teucer began to cheer as you and Paimon thanked her for the work. "Come by and pick it up by later around an hour or so." She stated as you looked at Teucer.

"Wanna go and eat while we wait for the kite to be ready?" You asked Teucer but this certainly caught Paimon's attention instead as she drooled at the thought of eating some delicious food that could fit in her stomachs.

Teucer thought for a while if he wanted to eat but his stomach already answered for him. You chuckled and looked up ahead. "Alright, let us go and eat then. To Wanmin Restaurant we go." You stated as you guys made your way to Wanmin Restaurant which was literally 5 minutes away.


Tou three arrived before Chef Mao welcome you guys with a friendly smile. "Hello! Welcome! Table for three?" You nodded as you guys were escorted to your tables but Teucer doesn't really seem to be doing well.

He exhaled as his face scrunched. "Whew, this restaurant has a really... choking smell..." He stated as Chef Mao gave him a confused look before he realized what he meant by the choking smell. He also explained to Teucer the source of the smell as he frowned to hear the word spicy. "Spicy chili? But I... can't eat spicy food."

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