𝑴𝒚 𝒃𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒐 𝒏𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 :)

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Kaeya fluttered his eye opened before pain started to shock at his lower back. He winced in pain and his body felt so sore. His head was pounding as he tried to recall what happened to him last night. Seeing the state of his body right now, he definitely did it with someone.

He traced his step back to who was the last person he was with before the memory started to flood back when he remembered it was you.

Did he leave...? He thought as he tried to get up but failed miserably. Y/N really just go so rough on me. He heard someone were coming to his bedroom door before opening to see you stood there on the doorway with a smile.

“Morning, darling.” He immediately blushed bright like a tomato by the nickname. You carried him up like a princess from the floor which made him surprised. “Sorry that I went too rough on you.” You apologized sounded so softly which gave him comfort.

"It's fine." He answered with a hoarse throat as he looked away from your gaze. You didn't brought him back to the bed but instead you were bringing to his bathroom. "Wh-"

"You can't even walk now, can you? I'll take responsibilities for it and help you clean yourself up." You said with a smile which made his heart skipped.

After seeing how gentle and how caring you are, he might have fallen deeper in love with you.


Kaeya was relaxing in the tub while you were washing his hair for him. When you said you were offering to help him clean himself, he felt embarrassed because he was the only one who is fully naked but you could only go as far as being half naked because Kaeya couldn't help getting embarrassed being all naked with you.

He didn't expect to see there were a very visible claw mark on your back with bunch of hickey on your neck. "Look up so I could wash all of the shampoo from your hair." You said as he looked up at to see your face.

His cheeks flushed with a little pink as you were washing away all the shampoo from his hair while you were humming to Dandelions. He was staring at your amber color eyes while listening to an unfamiliar song that you were humming.

You finished cleaning his hair as you grabbed a towel to dry his hair. You noticed that he was staring at you as you gave him a smile. "Why you staring at me like that?" You asked him as his hand was carressed your cheek.

"I love you." He suddenly confessed with that serious look in his eye. If this was just a voiceover saying, 'I love you,' you would shouted the top of your lungs and say marry me.

But this is a new reality of yours and this is people who actually are alive and have a feeling. Not some programmed AI to say that to you. The world here already changed drastically by your appearance in this world.

You were aware of their feelings for you but deep inside, you were still scared that you will be left behind, unloved. Despite not remembering about your past, that feeling is too familiar to you that it hurts you.

As the negative thoughts goes through your mind, something inside  immediately took control of your body and kissed his lips which became a passionate one.

You just melted by his kisses as the thoughts disappeared away from your mind. You could've sworn that you hear the voices in your head saying, "We will not let it happened again." It was the first time that the voices sounded so soft and caring than it usual aggressive tones, asking for blood.

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