𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒅.

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You ended up going with Paimon and Aether while the rest went to take a nap at the Wangshu Inn and you, of course ended up paying for the stay. "So that Starsnatcher guy was a fraud?!" You hummed in response while eating some ice cream. "You know, Paimon think that you are some sort of magnet that make people fall for you because Xiao definitely looked like he's into you." Paimon stated as Aether frowned.

"Not another one..." Aether murmured since he is also painfully aware how charming can you be just by a simple look and few words uttered with that silvery voice of his before Paimon smirked and pointed at Aether.

"And Aether here might as well be like your first boyfriend. You know, he once ja-" Aether's face immediately turned red and before Paimon could utter another word, he covered her mouth as he gave Paimon a glare.

"Don't listen to her, she's spouting nonsense." You were quite curious what Paimon going to say if you have to be honest but you could only guess. You just chuckled at his reaction and decided to tease him a bit.

"Then, what's with the red face?" Aether just averted his gaze, trying to think of a reasonable reason by the time he managed to think of something, you immediately cupped his face which made him turned to you and with that goddamn smirk on your pretty face and made his mouth to go autopilot.

"Because you are hot..." You were surprised by his answer but of course, as per usual, you forgot the third wheel that escaped from Aether's palm and had to interrupt.

"You two forgot about Paimon... And for that Paimon gonna leave you two alone. Let Paimon know if Paimon gonna have a younger sibling." Paimon said as you watched her leave in silence, started to wonder.

"Wait do males even get pregnant in this world?" You asked, sweating nervously while Aether is trying to process Paimon's words before his face immediately flushed and sworn to kill Paimon soon.

"I don't think that's possible unless they are somewhat related to animals. That's the only possibility. Anyways, you said that Xiao waited for you for that Censer and Seven Star Lamps, right?" Aether successfully switch the subject before you immediately remembered the reason why you were out here for.

"Right, right, I almost forgot. Xiao told me to take it from that temple over there." There you saw Pervases stood there muttering words to himself. You totally forgot about this adeptus and you couldn't help but feel bad. After all, he actually have a nice voice for an NPC. You timidly approached to him before interrupting his poetry. "Sorry to interrupt but uhm, we came here to borrow the censer and seven star lamps." You stated as he turned to you two.

"Well I'll be... Isn't that something? A pair walk into a shrine, neither to seek nor worship gods or adepti, but to pilfer the tools of worship for their own ends." He chuckled as you immediately taken back by his smooth voice before Aether sighed, knowing what's going to happen when your eyes looked so... interested to someone.

He don't get why he fell for someone that clearly into a lot of people but then again, he find you are unique then others. He really couldn't point exactly where or what but you were strangely being understanding to his story. Like how you determined and confident you were whenever it comes to this whole Teyvat situation.

He immediately snapped out of his thought when you glanced at him which made him instinctively look away, just realizing that he was staring at you for so long while he was jealous how you were somewhat entranced by Pervases. Pervases could sense the jealousy from Aether before he chuckled to himself. "Take what you need. It is a fortuitous thing that these items may be of service to you. ...They served little purpose here, in any case." He stated as you immediately gave him a sad smile.

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