𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔

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After gathering ingredient and saving an NPC's ass, you quickly headed towards Mingxing Jewelry shops. "Hey there! A guy called Meng Dan told us that we could get some nice and shiny boxes from your store..."

She was quite confused before she realized who you guys were. "Ah! Uncle Meng already told me about it. Thank you both for saving him." She said as she bowed at you guys.

She smiled as she explained how important Uncle Meng to her business as she took out two nice looking boxes. She described the boxes' history which Paimon was very interested on. "Will it do?" She questioned which Paimon quickly nodded.

"Yup-yup-yup! It's great! Hang on a moment. Could we borrow one other thing?" Paimon asked as she was eyeing at the claypot.

"Sure, please help yourselves — as long as it's on our shelves." Xingxi answered as Paimon pointed at the claypot.

"Y/N, this clay pot looks really awesome!If we use an antique as our mixing bowl, we should be able to make a great snack!" You and Aether looked at each other in doubt as you began to make some Sugar-Frosted Slime using the Sweet Flower and the Slime Condensate. You make sure that it was enough for four people.

"It's done! The one and only Sugar-Frosted Slime! Carefully now. Into the box it goes, and dust it over with a bit more powdered sugar..." She said as you sprinkled the powdered sugar on top.

"Oh yes. You might want to use these two freshly-picked flowers as decorations too." Xingxi suggested as you put Snapdragon on Ningguang's portion.

"Woohoo! It looks beautiful!" She said happily, still quite doubtful about how it would taste like. You could see Aether was worried about how it taste like either.

"So, Y/N! What are you gonna present to Ningguang?" Paimon asked as you thought for awhile. Now, which Asian dessert would go the best right now....

At a cold weather like today, a hot dessert would sound nice. Banana fritters...? No, it might be too oily for her liking. You thought for awhile before you figured a perfect dessert.

"I need to use a kitchen for this and it will the most tastiest dessert anyone have tried before." You said as Paimon and Aether looked at you, quite interested about your dessert.

"Though, I need to go on for a shopping...." You said as you looked at the lack of corns and peanuts.


In an hour, you just finished shopping and making your own dessert. You borrowed Chef Mao's kitchen to make this and gave him a test of your dessert as well. You packed it up quite nicely in the box and the smell were very appetizing.

What you made was a light and sweet pancake filled with crushed peanuts, sweetcorns and sugar. Truly, one of your childhood dessert and you haven't eaten one in awhile.

"Woah, Y/N's dessert looked so good and pretty. It smells good too but Paimon still stands that Paimon's dessert is the best. Let's try it out!" Paimon excitedly took a bite out of the Sugar-Frosted Slimes while Aether and you hesitantly ate them.

For you, it tasted so horrible... God, it tasted like an ice cream with overwhelming amount of sugar inside. For Aether and Paimon, it tasted like eating sugar except it wasn't overwhelming, just like eating a spoonful of sugat.

"Yeah no... too sweet. It needed something bitter to counter like Qingxin flower for this. Probably a hint of apple or berry would be go very well too." You already see how to improve the dishes but you know there's no time for that.

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