𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝑳𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝑭𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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Everyone watched the sight of you were covered in red strings on your whole body and they were flying around the room, one of them being connected to Diluc.

"That's... too much soulmates." Kaeya said as he tried to count before noticing the string on his fingers were connected with you.

Diluc was in awe at the sight and felt slight happiness that you two were soulmates but he was upset to find out that he had to share with others.

"Woah... There's never things like this happened in history." Jean commented as the strings were flying around the places. She didn't noticed that the strings was also connected with hers. Venti was also surprised to see that even he stopped playing his music and to see that the string was intertwined with his.

Something that should have not happened ever since Gods are immortal being. The moon fades away after the two of you finished dancing. You looked at your body since you felt there were strings everywhere on your body.

"Y/N, Diluc! That was epic. Especially with the strings flying around the place." Paimon complimented as you smiled widely.

"Thank-" You stopped midway from your sentences as you felt a very strong hatred aura outside the place. You immediately frowned and looked at the door that lead to one of the exit.

"Something's coming..." You said as you took out your sword as the Knights' and Diluc's Vision started to glow. There were banging on the door before revealing an army of hilichurls and a bunch of Abyss Mages.

The sounds of screams immediately filled in the room as you began to create a shield that was enough to protect the citizens.

"The Abyss Order?!" Amber shrieked as Jean immediately looked guilty, thinking she must have overlook a place.

You were hesitant to attack them because once you jumped to attack, the shield will drop. "Eliminate the rotten prince and we destroy Mondstadt!" The Cryo Abyss Mage commanded as the hilichurls were aggressively attacking the shield.

"Something bigger is coming in through main entrance to destroy Mondstadt. Currently, there's three person is handling on the main entrance. Maybe the Knights should handle that. Don't worry about this side, I'll figure out a way." You said as Jean looked at you in worry.

"Trust me." You smiled before she let out a sigh. You immediately expanded the shield to fly them away. You instantly used your Dendro powers to trap them.

"Please, do not worry. The Knights of Favonius will do their utmost to protect Mondstadt!" Jean said as she took out her sword to fight any hilichurl that escaped from your trap.

As the knights helped evacuating the citizens, you avoided attacking, worried that you might put people in danger. Aether helped you defeated the army while them being immobilized.

"That's the last of them, Y/N! Use your power now!" Paimon said before you let go of the Dendro and immediately infused Cryo in your Anemo tornado and flew every single monsters away.

Osial, in the other hand, used his Vortex power to suck the Abyss Mages near him and send them to who knows where. "Jeez... these guys are vicious... What are these things anyway?" Osial asked.

"They are the Abyss Order, they are a mysterious but powerful legion of monsters from the Abyss who are the enemies of humanity and surface civilization." Paimon explained though you already know the truth who were these Abyss creatures.

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