𝑻𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏

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"What even is your name?" You asked as you were going around him just to check him out while he scoffed.

"My name doesn't concern you and can you not? Whatever, I better be grateful that you gave me a form that actually would bring me some use in battles. So, how are you supposed to make me obey to your orders?" He crossed his arms, doubting your ability. But then again, there are some few ways that he would be really willing to obliged if it was to be only from you.

"Man, you're rude. No thank you whatsover? Never mind, first thing first I have to make you obey to me." You thought for a while before you looked at him. "Bow down to me. I want your face on the ground." You commanded still staring at him with your eyes glowing brightly.

The demon doesn't deny that your authoritarian tone of voice sounds hot but the idea of bowing down to you sounded ridiculous that he don't know whether to laugh or-


A strong pressure began to curl around his muscle, pulling him down to the ground, at the same time, a force from outside was pushes him down so hard it became hard to breathe. He stood his ground, but the harder he fought against it, the stronger it became. "You gotta be-" He gasped to recollect his breath, "Kidding me!"

The pressure pushed him further. Your magic feels suffocating but he instinctively know that he will get crushed if he didn't give in but he refused. He never wanted to bow down to a human, especially to someone like you. Once he found a way to separate himself from you, you'll be the first one he's going to kill.

The pressure becomes too much to the point he was trembling from overexertion, he fell to one knee but continues to struggle, hands on the ground to keep him steady. He looked up with snarl on his face, glaring at you with hatred but you weren't bothered by him and lifted up a foot to shove it down to his face.

Oh... no.

Wait no, no, no.

No, why-

He didn't expected that he would be like this. He internally cursed to himself as he felt his dick getting hard while he gradually losing all his strength in his muscles. He tried weakly to keep up and steady but your magic, your aura were too overwhelming. His forehead landed on the ground faster than he could say 'why the fuck I managed to have a boner for a kid.'

You removed your foot from his head and the pressure around him ceased with him breathing heavily and laughed incredulously against the ground. He blamed you for this embarrassment. No one and not even your granny even managed to make him, a demon bowed down to him.

After all, he had witnessed every single moment with in your head after he managed to break free from the curse unintentionally by Lumine. He hated that you who has exceptionally dirty thoughts and dreams would managed to affect him as well.  "You can keep your head up but don't even try to bite me or move from your position." You ordered as you crouched to his level.

"I fucking hate you for this." He hissed as you smirked in satisfaction.

"For what? Making you bow down to me or for making you hard?" You patted his head as if he was a dog. He was devastated that you actually found out as he clicked his tongue. Your face were a devilish smirk as he growled at you.

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