𝑯𝒂𝒉𝒂𝒉𝒂, 𝒊𝒅𝒌 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔...

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"So we have to let this Lantern Rite go this night right?" Paimon asked as she hold her lantern with a proud look on her face while Cora remake his 20th lantern since he isn't satisfied at all how it looked like with Aether and Zhongli being there to help him to make the lantern that he wanted.

Osial however, is trying his best not make his lantern slimy than it's already is. He find it very uncomfortable wearing glove but he had to not to mess up the ocean drawing on his lantern. Aether also hold on to the lantern while you just put it in your inventory. "I believe so but I still have to do one last request." You said as Paimon snapped her fingers.

"Right, the boss lady asked you for your help..." While Paimon mumbling you saw a mask person on the construction site. You don't actually remember what happened but it's probably ended like a stupid ending or something. "Are you paying attention, what are you- oh." Paimon noticed the masked man.

You three watched him before you approached towards him while Aether and Paimon followed you from behind. He immediately turned to you in alarmed. "Hey, whatcha doin'?" You raised your eyebrows in disbelief and before you could answer. "Whatcha staring at me like that for? Get gone!" He yelled at you, looking really frantic.

"Sir, we're here for the materials." You said, trying to be serious and not laughing.

"Wha- Huh? ...Alright, if you all won't get gone, I'm just gonna get gone myself I guess..." He walked away and you wheezed. You really don't know why but you find this whole situation funny.

"Wow. Paimon thought he might be a shady character, then he opened his mouth and now Paimon's sure of it! He must have been up to something when he was crouching down on the ground. Because as soon as he saw us approaching, he stood up and acted all innocent..." Paimon stated as she looked at you two with a frown on her face. "Paimon has a bad feeling about this... What could he be up to? Let's investigate!"" She said as you looked at her.

"Are we having another Detective Paimon's case?" Paimon nodded while you three began to investigate what was there on the construction site. Paimon began to described all the items that are in there before she turned to you and Aether.

"It can't be a good sign if there's a suspicious character lurking around somewhere so dangerous. If he's been tampering with the stockpile of lantern supplies... We need to tell Wang'ya about this situation." She said, sounded really serious as Aether frowned.

He find it really weird that Paimon really serious about things like this. "Paimon, you're taking this very seriously. Why?" He asked her as she looked at him nervously.

"Because... Because... Everyone in Liyue has worked really hard for this! No one should be allowed to spoil it, period!" She said as Aether and you gave her a doubtful look. She just sigh and began to confess, "Oh, fine... There's so many delicacies in Liyue Harbor! Matsutake Meat Rolls, Mora Meat, Almond Tofu..." She began to salivate by the thoughts of food. Aether just facepalmed as you just shook your head and began to make your way to Wang'ya.


"Oh travellers, is something the matter?" She asked as she accompanied Changchang and helped her making Xiao lantern. You guys explained the situation that had happened before she frowned to hear such bad news. "I see... Okay, please inform the Ministry of Civil Affairs about what you saw. I'll talk to Jingming. With so many people visiting for the Lantern Rite, we can't afford to ignore something like this." She said before you three began to make your way to the Ministry of Civil Affair.

Upon arriving you saw the golden square thing on top of this one Millelith head which something you have not see before. He noticed you three who were heading towards the office before stopping you three. "Halt! This is the Liyue Ministry of Civil Affairs." He said.

"We're here to report a suspicious individual." Aether stated before Paimon explained the whole situation and you did not paid attention but you had a feeling that this is pointless. You tapped Aether's shoulder to catch his attention. He turned to you before you told him to get close so that you could whisper to him.

"I'm going out for a moment, can I... ask you look after Zhongli and the others? Make sure that Corazon didn't make my money run dry with who knows whatever they are going to buy." You said as he just sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I guess that you're doing this alone?" He asked and you just hummed before he shook his head, knowing that you usually deal things out of radar. "Alright, take care." He said gently before you went back to the construction site to observe.

There you saw him running away after painting the symbol on the ground. You really do not feel like chasing him but you're sure that you'll manage to catch up to him soon. You took a picture of it on your phone before you heard a familiar wind breeze beside you. You turned to your right and see Xiao standing next to you."...What are you doing here?" He asked with his arm crossed.

"Oh, hi. Nice to see you again. I believe you and me share the same objectives in coming here or... are you here for the Lantern Rite?" You asked him as he just furrowed his eyebrows and looked away.

"I have no interest in Lantern Rite. I sensed a malign influence here. I'm here to investigate. When a shackle is loosened in the realms of deities and demons, I take full responsibility. But this time, the threat comes from the mortal world - your world. Thus you shall take full responsibility, mortal traveler. When the time comes, I hope you shall act promptly and decisively... I do not wish for the tassel of the polearm that has slaughtered countless demons to become stained with mortal blood." He said as you looked at him in concerned.

"I- Umm... Okay. Anyways, do you recognized this symbol before?" You asked him, trying to change the subject. He looked at the symbol once again before shaking his head. "Okay, never mind... I'll ask someone about this so that Lantern Rite is not being painted red." He glanced at you before patting your shoulder.

"I'll live it to you, then. If something or you see a demon while investigating, call out my name and I'll be there for you." He disappeared as you just blink. You just sighed and you already recognized it though your memory about Lantern Rite is a mess so you probably go along the story but... the next person, you're going to see is Kaeya.


Author Note:

I be honest I do not want to study for this exam but I have my own teachers reading this book and they know that I don't study the whole day if I write a chapter. Anyways, have my wip drawing of M/N that I've been procrastinated. I'll show the finishing product of it later- I hope you enjoy this chapter and see y'all... whensver I can update :)

Yes ik it's ugly but it'll be there soon

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Yes ik it's ugly but it'll be there soon.

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