𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕

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(A/N: My brain is not cooperating with me anymore when it comes to title)

You guys arrived at the Musk Reef and there you see the Spiral Abyss stood there. "Ho? So this is Pilos Peak? Not much to show for itself now, eh?" Mona said as she looked around before Paimon tugged your shirt before pointing at the core meteorite with Scara who seems to be sitting down with his head down which you assumed him asleep.

"Looks like someone beat us here.. Is this, like, a popular tourist spot, or..." Before Paimon could say one more word, you covered her mouth, asking her to stay silence before quietly taking a picture of him. Thank to the Archon that the light here doesn't seems to bother much when taking someone picture.

You quietly snickered to yourself before she just looked at you in confusion. "Paimon really don't know what you so giddy about..." She turned to Scara for another examination before she gasped and realized who was him. "It's you!" She exclaimed which brought him to awake.

"Huh? You again?" He rubbed his eyes before standing up.

"You just woke up, didn't you?" You asked before he nodded in response which you assumed that he is still groggy. He let out another yawn before looking at your eyes with clear fear and somewhat hunger eyes. "What are you looking at me for? You want me to give you food or something?" You asked as he hit a realization and shifted his gaze away.

"Look at the state that he is in... Was he in that dream just now?" Paimon asked as Mona looked at him in shock.

" Hah! Just because you are powerless to do something does not mean that I am. You're too late, anyway. I've finished my research." He said as he dusted the sands of his clothes and was about to walk off.

"I can tell or you would still be asleep right now." You stated as you looked at the meteorite. "If you be so kind, tell me, did you see something terrifying in the dream." He was a little surprised to hear that before turning to you.

"Ahh... So you already know that the stars, the sky... It's all a gigantic hoax. A lie." You smiled at him as you looked at the sky. Mona turned to Scara in confusion.

"The stars are a lie? What are you talking about?" Mona asked, seems genuinely curious. You couldn't tell her yet. Reality here is already changing little by little and you want to at least let the future be as predictable to you as possible.

"Is this some kind of astrological debate between you and Mona? Because if so, surely you can come up with a better argument than "The stars are a lie." Seriously, who's gonna fall for that one when you can just lift your head up at night and see them up there, twinkling away?" Scara looked at her before he burst out laughing.

"Oh, you are so naive, it kills me! Still... Can't really blame you. After all, I used to believe the same thing myself — up until a few moments ago, that is..." Scara said as he looked at the sky once more.

"A few moments ago? You mean..." Mona trailed off, hoping he answered her but instead, he was looking a bit annoyed and in a rush.

"Look — I really don't have the time to do this right now. Time for me to go out and find the truth. So long, suckers!" He said as he trotted off while a bunch of Fatui started to appear. Mona was quite pissed by his response. You would say bye to him as well but that won't be good

You decided not to disturb Mona letting out her anger on the Fatui and just did a few swing of swords around until everyone of them were defeated. You did some stretch before Paimon clapped her hand. "Wow, you fought so fiercely!"

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