𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏...

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As you guys paid the place a visit, you saw bunch of Fatui dudes were around the place. You quickly took out your Fillet Blade as the Fatui looked very angry to see your appearances.

"There really were Fatui at the location written down on this piece of paper! And, uh, they look really mad at us, too!" She exclaimed as you took out your sword which was a refinement 5 Fillet Blade on level 80 since you happened to have a lot of materials laying on your inventory.

You could try and use your new move on the Fatui. You immediately cast a shield on you as you jumped in towards them. You immediately attacked the fat ice Fatui first given that he was very annoying one indeed.

You embedded your Pyro power in the your sword as you did 5 rapid strikes towards him, similarly to Keqing's style  before you created a huge wind gust that suck him (and the few other misfortunate Fatui members), creating a swirl effect due the Pyro element you put on them which soon flew them away to the sky.

You watched them flew and you can't helped but reminded about Team Rocket being sended to the sky. Oh, how you missed seeing them.

"Woah! That's so awesome- Y/N! BEHIND YOU!" Paimon immediately exclaimed as a Fatui Agent sneaked up behind you about to stab you.

You just stood still as you heard his knife were broken from your shield before you kicked him at his balls. "I really hated sneaky bastards like you." You just kicked him again except with you concentrated the Cryo elements on your feet. Which cause him to froze by your kick. You also sent him flying away because you rather not wanting him to sneak attack on you again.

Though, you are still weak since you barely did a damage on the Fatui. Literally you could see it saying that you did only did 300 damage per hit. "I'm still weak..." You mumbled as you sighed. You barely could used your other elemental power efficiently. You don't really know if you have to get to the Statue for such abilites or you just need more training.

You guys went through their camp as Paimon saw many tailsman and blank papers on the table. "There are so many talismans here! And some stacks of blank paper, too! Hmm, what are they for?" Aether and you went towards her as you saw a huge ton of tailsman.

"Maybe they're trying to reproduce a talisman." Aether stated as Paimon observed at the tailsman for quite long time.

"Paimon's seen this pattern before! But where..." She tried to recall as you took out the Sigil of Permission next to the copy of the tailsman.

"It looks the same with the Sigil of Permission that Childe gave us." You said as they looked quite worried about it.

"Hmm.... But how did a relic of the adepti ends up in the hands of someone like Childe? Suspicious..." Paimon trailed off while thinking for awhile.

"It's not just a relic..." Aether added as Paimon remembered about it.

"Oh, that's right! Cloud Retainer said that when Lord of Geo created the Sigil of Permission, it wasn't used as some ol' relic. Tailsman like that were used in the Archon War to channel the divine powers. Maybe the Fatui are copying the Sigil of Permission in hopes of achieving a similar effect? Being able to channel divine power in battle... Whew, that sounds pretty dangerous." Paimon shivered as Aether wore a concerned look on his face.

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