𝑾𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒀/𝑵 ;-;

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You returned to the inn and just to see that the three of them haven't returned. You were quite disappointed to see that they haven't returned yet from their commission.

Honestly, being all alone on this inn made you feel lonely. Tavern already closed, it's really late as well so you really don't expect anyone to be awake, well maybe Jean still awake. Though, you don't want to disturb her work so maybe it's best you just mind your own business here.

You started to play some songs on your playlist that compiled songs from all kinds of genre that you find interesting. It started to play Dreamy Night while you searched up on the internet to see what else you could do with 7 elements.

Even if there's no true god to protect them but you do hope that at least they were safe and sound out there.


[Earlier today....]

"So, our location is right across the ocean to get to that island there?" Paimon looked at the distance in dismay. Osial furrowed his eyebrows as he looked across the ocean.

The same ocean that he was sealed at. "Should we call Kaeya to make ice bridge towards there?" Aether questioned as he was getting ready to go back to Mondstadt.

Osial turned to them with a smile. "No need. I can bring you there." He said as he created a water-like bridge with a snap of his finger. Paimon's and Aether's jaw were dropped as they looked the bridge not only it appeared as a bridge but a fancy one.

"W-Woah... That looks so good.... But are you sure we wouldn't fall through?" Paimon asked as she looked at the bridge in hesitant.

"Why don't you try it out?" Osial asked as Aether gave him a distrust look while slowly reaching his hand on the handle of the bridge. To his surprise, it was quite strong not even budging.

He took a step on the bridge while Paimon followed him to see that it began to take him to the Guyun Stone Forest. "And I'm saving your energy for later. We might need them in a fight with the Ruin Guard." Osial said before he dived in the water.

Naturally, being a sea monster he is, swimming didn't take any stamina from him at all. Aether was enjoying the view while Osial was swimming through and there he saw the seal that was supposed to be him in it and a giant spear at the bottom of the ocean.

He looked at them painfully but he continued moving on and looking away from his miserably old place. At least now, he was reunited with you. Despite you not remembering him and changed a lot, he was still happy enough to see his Young Master to be cheerful again once more.

It wasn't really that far and with Osial's abilities, it only took a few minutes to get there. As they arrived, they looked at the island with a stone mountain on it. "It must be here. Let's look around and find out where's the Ruin Guard was." Paimon said as they went around looking for the island.

Aether came across a ruin domain as he began to touch it which immediately activated it. "Do we want to go in here and clear the ruin first?" Aether asked as Paimon just smiled and shook her head.

"It best we not do that. Paimon think we should revisit the ruin with Y/N and defeated it together. That way it would be more fun and who knows what artifact and treasures they gave us. Only Y/N could tell if it's good or not." Paimon's eyes seems to be screaming Mora.

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